What’s the Category?
My name is Category Cat. I want to challenge you to a little game I like to play called “What’s the Category?” Do you want to learn how to play?
I will show you a picture I will show you a picture. You can make a decision about the picture by asking yourself, “Is it living or nonliving?”
But wait. I do. not want you. to call out. your answer But wait! I do not want you to call out your answer. Instead, I want you to raise your hand when you have categorized each picture into living or nonliving.
Are you ready to play “What’s the Category?”
Make a decision. Is it living or nonliving?
Categorize this picture. Is it living or nonliving?
Can you decide if this is living or nonliving?
What category does this go into – living or nonliving?
What’s your decision on this? Is it living or nonliving?
Would you categorize this as living or nonliving?
This next one is your last picture. Make your decision wisely This next one is your last picture. Make your decision wisely. You are amazing!
Make a decision. Is it living or nonliving?
You did a “purr-fect” job playing “What’s the Category You did a “purr-fect” job playing “What’s the Category?” Keep on making decisions about what you see in your world. Categorize what you see as either living or nonliving.