Adding Household Members to an Entry/Exit This tutorial is meant to explain in detail the steps to include a household member (existing or creating) to an existing Entry/Exit
This tutorial will give you a step-by-step walkthrough on how to add a household member in which we will: Create new household members New household members need to be added when: - A pregnant mother gives birth while in your program. - A parent gains custody of a child while in your program. - An adult joins a single parent family in your program. Include new members to Entry/Exit Including new members to a current Entry/Exit keeps the family in the same reporting group. Different family members may have different entry or exit dates. Complete Entry/Exit for new members All clients in a program should have an Entry/Exit for the most accurate records. Newborns with information similar to the mother. Children coming from a different household or family will have different information from the family in the program.
Adding a newborn In this example, we will be adding a newborn that was born while the mother was in the program. This example will use the same workflow and process for adding any new member to a household. To get started: 1. Sign in to Servicepoint 2. Check the program name at the top left hand to make sure you will be entering data as the appropriate program. 3. Go to clientpoint to search for the head of household client already in your program. *(IN THIS TUTORIAL, RED BOXES WILL OUTLINE THINGS TO NOTICE AND CHECK, BLACK BOXES WILL BE THINGS TO CLICK ON)
Client Summary: 1. The backdate splash screen will pop-up to prompt you to backdate the system. 2. If needed, backdate to the day the new household member entered your program. 3. Once you have searched, found, and selected the head of household – you will land on the Summary Page. 4. Check the households box to make sure the new member is not already in the household. 5. Check the Entry/Exit box to make sure the Entry/Exit dates and Type are accurate. 6. Click on the Households tab to get started adding the new household member
On the household screen you will see the current household and any previous households associated with the client. Make sure the new household member has not been in a previous household. In this example, there are no previous households so we can continue to add the new member. 1. Click on the Manage Household button. 1
Household Information: 1. Notice the Head of Household and Relationship to Head of Household drop- downs. It is important to have these appropriately selected to report accurately on the make-up of households. If these are not selected, you can select them now. 2. Click on the Add/Delete Household Members to search for and add the new household member. 2 1
Add/Delete Household Members: 1. Expand the Add Clients to the Household menu. This is where you will search and create (if needed) the new household member. 1
Add Clients to the Household: 1. Enter the new household member’s name in the search fields. If you have their SSN you can search with that as well. 2. Search for the new household member (even if the new member is a newborn, always searching is a “best practice”). 3. If the new member does not show up in the results, go ahead and click Add New Client With This Information button. If the new member does show up, click the green + button next to their name to add the new member
Selected Client: 1. After selecting the client you will see them under the Selected Clients section. 2. Click the Continue button to return to the Household Information screen. 12
Household Information: 1. Back on the Household Information screen, you will see the new household member added to the household. 2. Select the Relationship to Head of Household. 3. Check the Joined Household date to make sure it is accurate. 4. Scroll down to click the Save & Exit button to start the Entry/Exit for the new household member
Household screen: 1. Review the household members for accuracy. You can still add more to the household or make any changes by going back through the Manage Household button. 2. Click on the Entry/Exit tab to start the Entry/Exit. 1 2
Entry/Exit: 1. Find the entry you need to add the new household member to and click the pencil next to the entry date (remember pencils are the link to editing a record). 1
Edit Entry Data: 1. Notice the new household member is now included in the list of clients. Click the box next to the new member to include them in the Entry. 2. Click the Save & Continue box. 1 2
Entry/Exit Data: 1. Notice the Entry Date for each household member is the same date. 2. Click the pencil next to the new household member’s Entry Date to change the date to their real Entry Date. 1 2
Edit Entry Data: 1. Back at the Edit Entry screen, DE-select the other household members. The new household member is selected by default.* 2. Manually edit the Entry Date by entering the date the new household member joined the program. 3. Click the Save & Continue button to fill out the Entry * This might seem redundant, the reason to come back to this page is the new household member must first be added to the family’s entry before the date can be changed. Only once the new member has been added can the entry date be modified.
Entry/Exit Data: 1. Check the Entry Dates to make sure they are all correct. 2. Complete the entry for the new household member. 1
FINISHED! Here are some FAQ’S regarding this process: Q: Where do I enter the new client’s SSN? A: You can click on the pencil next to the client record when creating the new household member in the Household tab. Q: What if I don’t have the new household member’s SSN? A: You can leave the SSN field blank (especially if the new member is a newborn). It is important to note this with the SSN data quality drop down menu as “Don’t know or Don’t Have Full SSN (HUD).” Once you obtain the SSN, you can backdate the system and enter it in the Client Record. Q: The new household member is a newborn. How do I answer the questions regarding past information (Type of Living Situation, Length of Stay, Homeless Status, Domestic Violence)? A: These questions will be answered the same as the mother. If you don’t remember the mother’s answers, you can scroll to the bottom of the entry and Print Entry/Exit Summary for the mother for reference.
Further Information If you found this useful, remember to access this as a reference. You will always find it in the Servicepoint News section. You can also or call or chat for the file and questions. There will be more such guides coming in the future so stay tuned! Contact info: Michael Tomlinson P: (814) E: gchat: