Financial Training Module # 2 Purchase Procedures Activity & Service Fee Business Office at the University of Central Florida Pegasus Drive. SU Bldg. 52. Room 215 Orlando, FL
FAO Process FAO allocation Process: Attend and pass FAO committee Read into Senate minutes on Thursday Complete a Purchase Request Form (PRF) and submit to A&SF (each vendor requires its own PRF) Bring the completed PRF(s) to the A&SF Business Office to consult with an accountant FAO Senate Bill Process At least three (3) weeks in Senate plus up to five (5) weeks for SDES VP signature Once signed by SDES VP, you will get an Complete a Purchase Request Form (PRF) and submit to A&SF (each vendor requires its own PRF) After you receive the , bring the completed PRF(s) to the A&SF Business Office to consult with an accountant Contact SGA Senator & write Bill 1 st Reading (1 week) FAO Committee 2 nd Reading (1 week) 3 rd Reading (1 week) Signatures by SGA President and Vice President of SDES (5 weeks) COME TO A&SF BUSINESS OFFICE – SEE AN ACCOUNTANT!!!
Purchase Request Form (PRF) Contact potential vendor (DO NOT pay, commit, and/or obligate UCF to pay). Determine the vendor’s preferred method of payment (credit card or check). If credit card, ask if there will be a surcharge for that method of payment. The surcharge will be included in what is processed against your allocation. If the vendor is not on the current vendor listing on the A&SF website, have them complete a W-9 form (available on the A&SF Website). Follow A&SF Business Office requirement regarding multiple quotes. Complete PRF(s) and attach quote and/or any pertinent information that will facilitate processing. Each vendor requires its own Purchase Request Form (PRF). Submit PRF(s) to A&SF Business Office Front Desk (SU 215). Completed forms must be submitted ten (10) business days prior to the date payment is needed or event date, whichever occurs first. All contracts will need prior approval from UCF General Counsel and Purchasing. Please allow a minimum of three (3) weeks for this process. DO NOT sign any contracts, they must be signed by an authorized University officer. When delivery of the purchased merchandise is made to the A&SF Business Office, the accountant will contact the purchase request initiator for pick-up.
Purchase Request Form (PRF) Please complete a W-9 Form (found on A&SF Website) for any new vendor Only Financially Trained Authorized Officers who are registered with OSI can sign in 1 or 2 For Example: FAO45-22 or SB (This # will be listed on the original allocation or Bill) IMPORTANT: ATTACH ALL ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND PAPERWORK PRF Initiator MUST be a financially trained, authorized officer
Promotional Items All promotional material must be approved through the Senate Operations Review Committee (ORC) after funding is approved by the FAO Committee and prior to being purchased/processed in the A&SF Business Office. The conspicuous, clear, present, and visible inclusion of either the Student Government Association logo, supplied by Student Government, or the text “Funded by SGA” must be on any/all promotional material and approved by the ORC. Refer to Title 8: The Finance Code for further details. Promotional Material Approval Forms can be found on at Once the ORC has approved the promotional material, and the A&SF Business Office has received the approved form, processing can begin.
Things to Remember Plan ahead. Expenditures requiring a contract need additional processing time. Contracts must be handled at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of the event. Consult an Activity & Service Fee Business Office accountant. DO NOT purchase (anything unless instructed by the accountant) as we do not offer reimbursements. Title VIII: The Finance Code stipulates that failure to comply with the policies of the Activity & Service Fee Business Office and or Student Government may result in the financial authorization privileges of an individual or group of individuals being suspended. Make sure to review reversion policies and sanctions if you fail to spend your money by your reversion date Activity & Service Fee Business Office requires written quotes from two (2) different vendors when requesting $10,000 - $25,000. Quotes from three (3) different vendors are required for requests greater than $25,000. A student does not have the authority to sign a contract and/or obligate the university. IMPORTANT: There will be no reimbursement for items purchased prior to receiving approval from the A&SF Business Office.