Welcome to Blumfield!
T.E.A.M. - TOGETHER What makes Blumfield such a special place for students and families? A dedicated staff who all care deeply for every student. Programs come and go, but relationships make a lasting impact. We aspire to continually excel at providing exceptional customer service to all stakeholders.
T.E.A.M. - TOGETHER Common Plan Time – Vital to collaboration and professional growth. PLC – Every 2-3 weeks (depending on availability of team members). Focus is on each grade level’s Long-Term Goal. Data is discussed at each meeting.
T.E.A.M. – T OGETHER No “I” in TEAM! Walkie Talk = Quick Actions/reactions. Flexible and willing to sacrifice for the good of the cause. Continue to invest in our staff!
Culture (personality) and Climate (attitude) Blumfield’s culture is diverse with a solid work ethic and team-centered mentality. We get the job done!! Blumfield’s climate is in a state of transition as new leadership continues to build relationships with staff and families. The ultimate goal is one of a friendly, inviting, and fun filled building that develops satisfied professionals, engages students, and involves families throughout the process.
E VERYONE Unconditional acceptance of ALL students. We are a diverse building and we celebrate that diversity everyday! Acceptance is embedded in our culture. Every job is vital to our success. We are in this together. Inclusion of all staff.
PTO and Community Support -Local Business support. -Parent involvement (strongly encouraged). -PTO evolving. Fresh faces. -Fun Run – NeSA Incentives -Pride in our building – Projects?
Bobcat Bolt – PTO Sponsored Event
A CHIEVEMENT – SIP Goals 1)All students will demonstrate growth in reading comprehension skills as measured by district and classroom assessments. 2)All students will demonstrate growth in their number sense skills as measured by district and classroom assessments.
Using the data……
Use of Data continued…. -NeSA – Moving the bar. Work to be done. -Attendance – Steve Snodgrass -SIMS – Parent communication -MAP – Continue to educate myself and staff on how to use MAP data to guide instruction. Very powerful, PD still needed.
Achievement and Data Data is only as good as the interpretation and usage to guide instruction and fill learning gaps. PD is needed for staff to fully understand how to use the multitude of functions of MAP. Fear of overwhelming staff.
Use of Data continued…. We’ve looked at the data, now what? -Instructional Coach -I & E time separate from Reading Blocks -PLCs we look at data and utilize teacher input regarding student needs. -Instructional Framework -Focus on Domain 3c (Engaging Students in Learning) -Anita Archer PD Project for Explicit Instruction Book Study (DVD Series)
TEA MORE -Circle of Friends (meet 2x month) -Bunch -PAWS (PBiS) Assemblies -Superhero Mindset -Well Managed Schools -Fit Club -Green Club -Grammar Club -Math Club (Title) -Intramurals -Eagle Scout Projects -HAL (PBiS videos)
Circle of Friends Thanksgiving Feast!
Technology -SMART Boards in each room -Macbook Carts x3 -Chromebook Carts x2 -Ipad Cart (2 nd Gen) -Looking at ways to expand within our building budget. Info screens, touch panel in the Media Center, etc. -
-Questions? -Lunch with Students (3 rd and 4 th ) -Classroom Visits