School Bus Driver Inservice Special Care on Basic Buses 1
School Bus Driver Inservice Today We Will Discuss… Challenging Behaviors in – Communication – Social Interactions – Repetitive or Restrictive Behaviors – Special Reactions and Sensitivities Strategies for Challenging Behaviors 2
School Bus Driver Inservice Special Students are on Most Buses Each Student is Unique There is a wide spectrum of disabilities – Characteristics – Ability to function Disorders can be affected by surroundings. 3
School Bus Driver Inservice Special Students are on Most Buses 1 in 68 Born 1 out of 42 Boys 1 in 189 girls 4 Autism is Common
School Bus Driver Inservice Special Students are on Most Buses Attention Disorders are Common ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder BD – Behavior Disorder 5
School Bus Driver Inservice Special Students are on Most Buses 6 Behavior Disorders are Common Anxiety Disruptive Dissociative Emotional Pervasive
School Bus Driver Inservice Special Students are on Most Buses 7
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Communication Restrictive & Repetitive Behaviors & Interests Social Interaction Special Reactions and Sensitivities 8
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Communication Experiment 9
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Step 1 10 Person A Ask: “What did you do last weekend?” Person B Answer: “______”
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Step 2 11 Person A Ask: “What did you do last weekend?” Person B Answer: “______” Same question and same answer. Add No letter/sound “T” for both question & answer.
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Step 3 12 Person A Ask: “What did you do last weekend?” Person B Answer: “______” Cover eye with one hand. Add telescope over other eye. No letter/sound “T” for both question & answer.
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Step 4 13 Person A Ask: “What did you do last weekend?” Person B Answer: “______” Keep eyes covered and telescope out. No letter/sound “T” for both question & answer. Add rocking back and forth to self soothe.
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Communication Difficulties in: – language – gestures – social cues – speech – eye contact 14
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Communication Difficulties in: – conversation – interactions – interests – play 15
School Bus Driver Inservice Communication Strategies for Success 16 Behavior IS communication. Be calm and positive. Reinforce the behaviors you wish to see.
School Bus Driver Inservice Communication Strategies for Success 17 Written rules or pictures. Seek support from staff and parents.
School Bus Driver Inservice Communication Strategies for Success 18 Give positive directions. Help overcome challenges.
School Bus Driver Inservice Communication Strategies for Success 19 Communicate with the team. Keep learning.
School Bus Driver Inservice Evaluation 1.Identify two strategies for success for students with Communication Challenges. Behavior IS communication. Be calm and positive. Reinforce the behaviors. Provide written rules or pictures. Give positive directions. Develop strategies. Increase time and communicate with team. 20
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Social Interaction Behaviors – Social awkwardness – Personal space issues 21
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Social Interaction Behaviors – Conversation and Interaction difficulties – Intense or odd interests in unusual topics or objects, unusual play – Concrete thinkers 22
School Bus Driver Inservice Social Interaction Strategies for Success 23 Provide “Unwritten rules”. Assign peer buddies. Learn about their interests.
School Bus Driver Inservice Evaluation 2.Describe two strategies for success for students with Social Interaction Challenges. “Unwritten rules for the bus” Assign peer buddies. Learn about their interests. 24
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Restrictive or Repetitive Behaviors and Interests Behaviors – pacing – lining things up – spinning – hand-flapping – rocking 25
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Restrictive or Repetitive Behaviors and Interests Difficulty managing – transitions – changes in routine – stress, frustration 26
School Bus Driver Inservice Restrictive or Repetitive Behaviors and Interests Strategies for Success 27 Be aware of the student’s sensory needs. Limit changes.
School Bus Driver Inservice Evaluation 3.Name two (2) strategies for success for students with Restrictive or Repetitive Behaviors and Interests. Be aware of the student’s sensory needs. Avoid and prepare for triggers. Limit changes. 28
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Special Reactions and Sensitivities More or less sensitivity than usual – Light – Sound – Smell – Taste – Touch 29
School Bus Driver Inservice Four Behavior Categories Special Reactions and Sensitivities Abnormal fears Lack of appropriate fear of real dangers 30
School Bus Driver Inservice Strategies for Success 31 Be welcoming and supportive. Sensory items, such as a squeeze toy Earplugs or headphones with music Special Reactions and Sensitivities
School Bus Driver Inservice Strategies for Success 32 Empathize with their discomfort. Watch your voice volume and body language. Relax, have fun, celebrate successes. Special Reactions and Sensitivities
School Bus Driver Inservice Evaluation 4. Define two (2) strategies for success for students with Special Reactions and Sensitivities. Hands on sensory items Earplugs or music or headphones Be welcoming and supportive. Watch your voice volume and body language. Celebrate successes. 33
School Bus Driver Inservice Evaluation 5. List four (4) categories of behavior you can experience on the bus. Communication Social Interaction Restrictive/Repetitive Behaviors & Interests Special Reactions and Sensitivities 34
School Bus Driver Inservice Summary We discussed Challenging Behaviors in – Communication – Social Interactions – Repetitive or Restrictive Behaviors – Special Reactions and Sensitivities Strategies for Challenging Behaviors 35
School Bus Driver Inservice Our Future is in Their Success 36