Ms Catherine Sullivan - full time administrator for School of Asian Studies (in charge of Examination Process, i.e. exam papers, results) Tel: Ms Eimear Corcoran –part-time administrator for School of Asian Studies (in charge of timetables, room bookings) Tel: Ms Ching Keane School Manager of School of Asian Studies Tel: Dr. Carlotta Sparvoli Chinese Language advisor (exam papers, teaching methods, etc)
Room bookings are centrally managed by UCC Any room change request to be consulted first with Ching Keane and Eimear Corcoran. Campus Map: ps/UCC_CAMPUS_MAP_23_11.pdf ps/UCC_CAMPUS_MAP_23_11.pdf Building code:
Blackboard Account needs to be set up to facilitate teaching and communicating with students. To create an account, please contact: Along with your own information ( UCC staff address, staff number, module code) Maria Sobey | Learning Technologies Unit Ext: 3966 | E:
Syllabus design is according to individual module Dr. Carlotta Sparvoli will provide advice on teaching, producing exam papers to individual teachers. Marking schemes are line with UCC’s policy (attached) Oral tests are required to be recorded Two examiners are required for oral tests Medical Certificates and Mitigation procedures as follows:
During the Academic Year, medical certificates should be submitted locally (to the relevant Department/Faculty/School) by candidates. Each medical certificate should be date-stamped and initialled on receipt. The original should be retained locally (by the relevant Department/Faculty/School) and a copy submitted to the Student Records and Examinations Office. During the end- of -year Written Examinations, medical certificates should be submitted to the Student Records and Examinations Office for consideration by the Examination Board. It is the responsibility of Schools/Departments to inform each candidate of the procedures for submitting medical certificates. This might be best achieved via a posting on the School/Department/Faculty web-site; otherwise, it should be announced, along with other information on assessment procedures at the beginning of each module or programme of study. Deadlines for submission of essays/assigned work If illness covered by a medical certificate prevents a candidate from meeting a deadline for the submission of an essay, or other assigned work for assessment, then an appropriate extension should be granted. Tests administered by Departments Where a medical certificate covers the time of a test administered within a Department, which has been missed, the Department should set an alternative test if possible. Otherwise, they should ensure that the candidate is not disadvantaged (e.g. by disregarding the test in the overall assessment).
During the academic year, information on exam schedules, exam paper template, examination procedure before winter/summer examination will be circulated to staff. At the end of the academic year, the following items to be prepared for external examination: 1.Answers or solutions for each paper( CA, final) 2.Marking scheme for each paper ( CA, final) 3.Student attendance 4.Syllabus for each module 5.All the exam papers ( CA, Final) 6.Student course work, etc 7.Record of oral tests Past exam papers:
Teaching Allocation Staff registration with UCC (invitation letter, staff number, address, etc) Other support/services to Confucius Institute language teachers