This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering.
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Please unwrap candies and turn off cell phones at this time. Photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. Supertitles provided by Chadwick Creative Arts
Good burghers and notables, seated around the tables, let’s smoke and drink in peace.
The dark and light beers foam in the mugs. It’s Sunday, the day of rest. Let us empty our tankards, friends!
A trembling fugitive, I go from door to door, wherever chance and the storm carries me. God takes care of wretched people.
She is alive! I search for traces of her. I rest for one day alone, and continue, seeking always further.
Yes, it’s Lothario, the old wandering minstrel. They say misfortune unhinged his mind.
- Where does he come from? - We don’t know!
Come along, my friend, come drink and leave your plaintive song behind.
Good friends, seated around the tables, let’s smoke and drink. The beers foam in the mugs. It’s Sunday, the day of rest.
Make room, friends, for the children of Bohemia, the Gypsies!
Here’s the whole band, with Jarno and his companion Zafari!
Make room!
Laërte, my friend, come running quickly! All this promises us an interesting show!
But be kind and don’t mock them. Here, sit down beside me.
These daughters of Bohemia have beautiful eyes, and my wife couldn’t dance any better.
These daughters of Bohemia have beautiful eyes, and Philine herself couldn’t dance any better.
Oh daughters of Boheme, daughters with joyous hearts, you love, they love you, and all is for the best!
More lively than the birds in the skies, faster than lightning, daughters of Egypt and Bohemia, dance joyfully on light feet!
Sing, gay children of Bohemia!
What a wild dance!
Their gay refrain gets us in the mood! Let us sing and drink!