Methods Conclusion 10 th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain (May 31 – June 4, 2015) Seattle, Washington, USA Batalha LMC, PhD 1 ; Borges JDC, Msc 2 1. Nursing School of Coimbra; Health Sciences Research Unit - Nursing, Coimbra, Portugal 2. District Hospital Figueira da Foz, Figueira da Foz, Portugal Background and aims Poster: 1-18 References The study was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/PSI-PCL/114652/2009 Children receiving intensive care often undergo many painful, invasive procedures, including mechanical ventilation. Pain assessment is difficult and the available instruments are scarce and little studied in Portugal. This study aimed at semantically and culturally adapting the COMFORT – B 1 pain scale into European Portuguese and assessing its psychometric properties (validity and reliability) in children aged up to 8 years admitted to Intensive Care Units (both ventilated and non-ventilated children). Methodological study of cultural validation into European Portuguese of the COMFORT – B scale and assessment of its psychometric properties. A total of 85 children (54 ventilated and 31 non-ventilated) admitted to a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit participated in the study, resulting in 212 observations. The scale was applied simultaneously and independently by two raters and children were consecutively selected. The Portuguese version of the COMFORT-B scale seems to be a valid and reliable instrument. Its use in the assessment of pain in children unable to self- report and admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Units is recommended. Characteristics of Childs Ventilated (n=31) Non-ventilated (n=54) Age in months, med (min-max)]53,5(0,03-216)36,0 (0,03-215) Male sex, n (%)24 (77,4)32 (59,3) Reason of admission,n (%) - Gastrointestinal pathology - Nervous System Pathology - Respiratory disease - Other 3 (9,7) 5 (16,1) 17 (54,8) 7 (6,5) 4 (7,4) 6 (11,1) 22 (40,7) 23 (7,4) Surgical intervention, n (%)9 (29)8 (14,7) Days of Postoperative, n, med (min- max) 2 (3,25-1)2 (2-1) Medication, n (%) - Analgesic - Sedative - Other 10 (32,3) 15 (48,4) - 14 (25,9) 5 (9,3) 1 (1,9) Estado da criança: at rest, n (%)18 (58,1)31 (57,4) Validity Ventilated (n=102) Non-ventilated (n=110) Construct - Component - % of Variance 1 69,5% - 72,7% 1 60,7% - 63,9% Divergent, med (min-máx) - At rest (rater 1 – rater 2) - Under painful procedures (rater 1 – rater 2) - p value 10 (6-17) - 9 (6-21) 14 (6-23) - 14 (10-19) <0, (6-26) - 13 (6-26) 15 (6-27) -14 (6-26) <0,001 Criterion, r s - EDIN, n (rater 1 – rater 2) - FLACC, n (rater 1 – rater 2) - VAS, n (rater 1 – rater 2) 51 (0,72 -0,80) 51 (0,81 – 0,82) - (-) 68 (0,68 -0,66) 32 (0,73 -0,73) 10 (-0, ,61) Reliability Cronbach's Alpha0,90 – 0,920,87 -0,88 Inter-rater agreement - Agreement % - Cohen's kappa - ICC 82,4 – 91,2 0,73 – 0,88 0,97 (0,96-0,80) 80,9 -90,0 0,70 – 0,89 0,97 (0,96-0,80) FLACC - Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability Scale; EDIN -Échelle Douleur Inconfort Nouveau-Né ; ICC - Intraclass correlation coefficient; Max- maximum; Med - Median; Min – minimum; R s - Spearman´s Correlation; VAS - Visual Analog Scale. 1, Van Dijk M, Peters JWB, van Deventer P, Tibboel D. The COMFORT Behavior Scale: a tool for assessing pain and sedation in infants. Am J Nurs. 2005;105(1):33–6 Table 1 – Clinic and demography characteristics of the children Table 2 – Psychometric properties of the COMFORT-B/PT scale Results