International Institute of Refrigeration ECA Network Meeting in Tirana, Albania, March 2008 The IIR’s role in promoting technology innovation and energy efficiency Didier Coulomb, Director of the IIR
International Institute of Refrigeration Member Countries Intergovernmental organization 61 Member Countries
International Institute of Refrigeration Mission of the IIR To promote expansion of knowledge and to disseminate information On all refrigeration technologies and All applications For the benefit of humanity To promote knowledge of refrigeration technologies and all applications in order to address today’s major issues Food safety Protection of the environment - Reduction of global warming - Prevention of ozone depletion Development of the least developed countries - Food - Health
International Institute of Refrigeration Science and Technology Council E D C B A Air conditioning Heat pumps, energy recovery Refrigerated storage Refrigerated transport Cryobiology, cryomedicine Food science and engineering Thermodynamics and transfer processes Refrigerating equipment Cryophysics, cryoengineering Liquefaction and separation of gases E1 D1 C1 B1 A1 E2 D2 C2 B2 A2
International Institute of Refrigeration IIR Actions PUBLICATIONS Journals: Newsletter International Journal of Refrigeration E-Bulletin Fridoc Database Books, Guides, Courses, Informatory Notes STATEMENTS International events International agreements CONFERENCES Working parties
International Institute of Refrigeration ECA Network Meeting in Tirana, Albania, March 2008 Environmental impacts of refrigerating systems
International Institute of Refrigeration Impact on the ozone layer The impact of refrigerating plants on ozone depletion is due to emissions of chlorinated refrigerants (CFCs and HCFCs) equipment leaks no recovery poor maintenance The Antarctica ozone hole
International Institute of Refrigeration Montreal Protocol Industrialized countries Developing countries CFCs Phased-out since 1996 Phase-out by 2010 HCFCs Phase-out by 2020 (1) (2) Phase-out by 2030 (1) (1)Decision taken at MOP-19 in Montreal (September 2007) (2)Several countries have adopted more stringent regulations regarding HCFC phase-out: EU countries, US, Japan, etc.
International Institute of Refrigeration Impact on global warming The global-warming impact of refrigerating plants is the following: About 20% of this impact is due to direct emissions of fluorocarbons (CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs), About 80% of this impact results from indirect CO2 emissions originating in the production of the energy used by the refrigeration plants Efforts implemented focus on: Reduction of direct emissions thanks to better containment of refrigerants, development of alternative refrigerants. Reduction of energy consumption thanks to increasing energy efficiency of refrigerating plants
International Institute of Refrigeration Kyoto Protocol The objective of the Kyoto Protocol is to reduce, in 39 developed countries, emissions of a basket of 6 greenhouse gases by at least 5% between 1990 and HFCs are among the 6 greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol. CFCs and HCFCs are not included in the basket of Kyoto-controlled gases since they were already covered by the Montreal Protocol.
International Institute of Refrigeration ECA Network Meeting in Tirana, Albania, March 2008 Achievements
International Institute of Refrigeration Reductions in refrigerant emissions (1) Refrigeration played a vital role in ensuring the successful application of the Montreal Protocol. As before it entered into force, about 40% of the CFCs used were used by the refrigeration sector. The refrigeration sector has widely contributed to the predicted recovery of the ozone layer by 2060.
International Institute of Refrigeration Reductions in refrigerant emissions (2) By reducing drastically the use of CFCs and HCFCs, the refrigeration sector has significantly contributed to climate change mitigation Over 5 Gigatonnes of CO 2 equivalent annual emissions have been eliminated (1) : It represents more than 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 This is 5 times the Kyoto Protocol's target for reducing GHGs emissions by Velders GJM, Andersen SO, Daniel JS, Fahey DW, McFarland, M.,2007, The importance of the Montreal Protocol in protecting the climate
International Institute of Refrigeration Reductions in energy consumption Examples: COP in commercial refrigeration (for a temperature lift of 30°C): 1960: about 2.5 1990: about 3.3 2007: about 4 Energy consumption of new refrigerators About 4 times less in 2007 than in 1973 Heat pumps The 130 million heat pumps currently in use enable 1300 TWh/y of heating to be produced and reduce CO 2 emissions by 130 MT/y
International Institute of Refrigeration ECA Network Meeting in Tirana, Albania, March 2008 Challenges and strategies
International Institute of Refrigeration Reductions in refrigerant emissions (1) Objective highlighted by the IIR: reduction of refrigerant leakage by 30% by 2020, thanks to: Refrigerant containment Optimization of tightness Efforts should focus on mobile air conditioning and commercial refrigeration Informatory notes Refrigerant charge reduction Optimization of indirect refrigerating systems and further development of PCMs such as ice slurries IIR working party on PCMs and slurries IIR guide on ice slurries, Technical note Microchannels heat exchangers New IIR working party on refrigerant charge reduction
International Institute of Refrigeration Reductions in refrigerant emissions (2) Proper maintenance and servicing of refrigerating plants Regular controls for leakage Systematic recovery, recycling, regeneration or destruction of refrigerants New F-gas European Regulation Making training available to all refrigeration practitioners is a top priority Increasing needs in developing countries Training must be extended to all staff levels IIR course « Refrigeration Fundamentals » Ex: IIR course on mobile air conditioning
International Institute of Refrigeration Reductions in energy consumption (1) Objective set up by the IIR: reduction of the energy consumption of refrigeration plants by 20% by 2020 Refrigeration (including air conditioning) accounts for about 15% of worldwide electricity consumption About 80% of the impact of refrigeration on global warming originates in the energy consumption Reducing energy consumption is the best way to mitigate the impact of refrigeration on global warming improving energy efficiency of refrigerating plants is a top priority IIR Guide on energy savings Informatory Note
International Institute of Refrigeration Reductions in energy consumption (2) Energy savings thanks to reduced refrigeration needs by reducing heat loads strengthening the performance of insulation materials Improving the energy efficiency of vapour-compression systems by optimizing the various components Ex: new oil-free compressors offers opportunities to improve heat exchanger performance Further R&D in alternative refrigerants (see next slide) R&D in efficient alternative refrigeration technologies (see next slide)
International Institute of Refrigeration R&D in alternative refrigerants (1) Ammonia ODP = 0 GWP = 0 Very energy-efficient Toxic industrial refrigeration, commercial refrigeration (ind. systems) Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) ODP = 0 GWP = 1 Numerous potential applications (supercritical refrigerant, low- stage refrigerant in cascade systems, secondary refrigerant) Specific thermodynamic properties (low critical point, high operating pressure) Commercial refrigeration, mobile air conditioning (under development) Ammonia/carbon dioxide cascade system
International Institute of Refrigeration R&D in alternative refrigerants (2) Hydrocarbons ODP = 0 GWP ~ 20 Excellent thermodynamic properties Highly flammable Domestic refrigeration, small commercial appliances New fluorocarbons (under test; ex: HFO-1234yf) ODP = 0 GWP ~ 5 Flammable, low toxicity (under test) Potential application: mobile air conditioning Objectives: widening uses, increasing energy efficiency, optimizing safety IIR G. Lorentzen conferences on natural refrigerants IIR conferences on ammonia IIR guide on ammonia, Informatory Note and bibliography on CO 2, etc.
International Institute of Refrigeration R&D in sustainable refrigeration technologies Magnetic refrigeration IIR working party, IIR Conferences, Informatory Note Solar refrigeration Sustainable development option in developing countries IIR guide on solar refrigerators Other technologies Advanced absorption/adsorption, desiccant technology, thermoacoustic refrigeration, thermoelectric cooling, air-cycle cooling, etc. Cryogenics Superconductivity applications Cryomedicine, cryobiology Large Hadron Collider
International Institute of Refrigeration Developing countries The gap between developed and developing countries remains wide: Only about 1/5th of perishable foodstuffs is refrigerated Food losses are estimated to be about 300 million tonnes of perishable products Priority actions to implement: Reduction of post-harvest losses Development of cold chains Technology transfer Education and training Opportunity to embrace sustainable technology directly IIR Working party on the cold chain in developing countries
International Institute of Refrigeration IIR actions on environment Publications Guides : New guide on energy savings in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps Guides on ammonia on ice slurries, on solar refrigeration, … Training Courses : Refrigeration Fundamentals Good Practices in refrigeration… Informatory Notes How to improve energy efficiency in refrigerating equipment CO 2 as a refrigerant…
International Institute of Refrigeration.../… Publications Selection of articles Bibliography on CO 2 Fridoc Database, E-Bulletin International Journal of Refrigeration - Special Issues on CO 2, … Review articles (E-Bulletin, Web site) General Information and services International Dictionary on Refrigeration List of Research Priorities List of Research Laboratoires Statements …
International Institute of Refrigeration Conférences Series of conferences on Natural Refrigerants on Ammonia on Magnetic Refrigeration on Ice Slurries on Heat Pumps … Working Parties Refrigerant charge reduction… Expertise Directory WEB SITE:
International Institute of Refrigeration Conclusion Refrigeration is just one part of overall solutions leading to reduced energy consumption in housing and transport Plant maintenance and leak tightness and recovery of stocks of CFCs and HCFCs refrigerants remain vital issues Replacement of ozone depleting refrigerants must also consider energy efficiency and other potential impacts such as safety and cost Research must be stepped up in order to optimize alternative technologies that are developed, to enhance the energy efficiency of this equipment and to generally reduce the impact of refrigeration technologies the equipment on the climate Replacement solutions must take into account the specific contexts in the least developed countries, particularly in terms of cost It is vital to inform and train refrigeration engineers and technicians in order to successfully implement these solutions.