Sociology and the Environment
What do sociologists have to offer to a discussion about the environment and environmental problems?
The Ecological Environment Sociological inquiry and the environment Social theory A multi-dimensional solution to a problem that should unite all disciplines and nations Should environmental problems take priority over many other social problems? Why or Why not?
Culture and Environment What percent of the world population does America account for? What percent of the world’s fossil fuels does America consume? Contributions to harmful carbon emissions? Production/generation of waste? -Why? America’s environmental footprint? Why are we not moving to a more sustainable way of life?
The Health of the Earth What are some of the primary environmental problems faced today? Local? National? Global? What groups in society are the most concerned about the environment? Age? Gender? Political affiliation?
The Health of the Earth Ozone depletion Depletion of natural resources Deforestation, desertification, Over fishing, etc areas where we have exceeded planetary boundaries??? Climate Change Pollution (Water, air and land) Nitrogen and phosphorous pollution Threats to Biodiversity
Why are many people not concerned about environmental problems?
???Underline Philosophical Assumption??? Is it the right of humanity to assume that this world was made for people, and that all other species were placed here for our use and exploitation? Are humans separated from nature and above nature? Will this belief lead to the total destruction of the planet and humanity itself?
Sociological Perspectives on the Environment Functionalist Maintaining balance Interactionist People’s behaviors and understandings of environmental issues: What groups in society are the most concerned about the environment? Age? Gender? Political affiliation? Conflict theory Who benefits from status quo? Why is status quo (lax regulation) not changing? Which groups are competing in influencing public perception?
Corporate Interests and the Environment Have corporate interests influenced the public debate concerning social problems?
Corporate Interests and the Environment … Concerning the environment, elite interests are far less subtle Corporate Suasion Environmentalists seek regulation, while most corporations are highly opposed Are the interests of large multinational corporations the same as the public’s interests?
Corporate Suasion: Exploiting Scientific Uncertainty Regarding issues of ozone depletion and global warming, there is scientific uncertainty, which is exploited for corporate interests. I.e.-Tobacco, asbestos, and lead industries Efforts to postpone regulations on greenhouse emissions have followed this pattern as evidence surfaces to the dismay of skeptics: 1) There was no evidence, then… 2)Global warming was not due to human activity, now skeptics argue… 3)Consequences won’t be too severe
What are the causes of environmental problems?
Social Causes of Environmental Problems Population growth Industrialization and economic development Dependence on energy Capitalism and economic growth Growth=consumption; increased consumption=environmental deterioration (Polluting emissions, resource depletion, and generation of waste) Cultural values Attitudes such as individualism, materialism, and consumerism
Cultural Values and Attitudes Individualism- Putting individual interests over collective welfare Recycling Consumerism- the belief that personal happiness depends on the purchasing of material possessions In U.S. Quality of life is often related to one’s ability to purchase items-The American Dream Americans are bombarded with thousands of advertisements each day
Inequality and the Environment Environmental Injustice and Conflict theory Environmental justice movement- A fusion of civil rights and environmental activism