Status and Roles
Learning Target: Today I will identify Statuses and Roles that I hold in society So I can understand my positions in society and how they influence my interactions I know it when I am able to create a diagram showing the the statuses and roles that I am apart of
Status Describes the position a person occupies in a certain setting. We all have several statuses and play the roles that may be associated with them.
Roles The behavior expected of an individual who occupies a given social position or status. A pattern of behavior that is socially recognized, providing a means of identifying and placing an individual in society. In other words, the set or norms, values, behaviors and characteristics attached to a status.
Example: Status: Student Role in the classroom- Attending class, taking notes, listening to teacher etc. Role as a peer- working in groups, sharing ideas
Turn to your partner Besides being a student, what are some statuses you hold?
Poster Create a diagram of your own statuses and roles
ASCRIBED/ACHIEVED/MASTER STATUS ASCRIBED STATUS: Neither earned nor chosen, but assigned. Example: Daughter, Caucasian ACHIEVED STATUS: A position that is earned or chosen. Example: Mother, Wife, Occupations-Teacher MASTER STATUS: A position that strongly influences most other aspects of a person’s life. PG.
Poster: ASCRIBED (Circle) ACHIEVED (Square) MASTER STATUS (Star)
Today I will discuss Role Conflicts So I can understand the statuses I hold may come in conflict with one another. I know it when I am able to identify ROLE CONFLICTS on my diagram.
Role Conflict The more statuses we have, the more roles we take on and the more likely we are to have them conflict with one another. Example: Status of a father, husband and employee. Within these he plays many roles. As a father his child may get sick causing him to be late to work. His role as a father and employee are now I conflict.
Poster On your diagram, show where the statuses you hold may come on conflict with one another.