Empowering Employees with Self Service Options in 2015 Charles Allen, MVP
What’s Available? Employee Profile Employee Paystubs Employee Direct Deposit Employee W4 Employee Skills and Training Employee Benefit Enrollment
Web or Traditional Client Employees can use either the web or traditional client to access and view their information
Security Roles ESS Employee Manager ESS Employee ESS Employee-BSS (New in 2015) ESS PTE Employee ESS Purchase Requester
Setting up a User for ESS Create a GP login for the user: Full, Limited, or Self Service
Setting up an Employee The Additional window in Employee Maintenance – Assign a GP user to an employee record
Home Page Role New Self Service Roles Available
Home Page
Employee Profile Employees can view and change information about themselves
Paystubs View and print your paystubs
Direct Deposit View and Make Changes to Direct Deposit Information
W4 View and make changes to your W4 information
Skills and Training View and make changes to skills, education, tests, and training information
Benefits View and make changes to benefits
Questions? Charles Allen BKD Technologies