UNIT 3 ECOLOGY Introduction to Biomes Intro to Ecology Video Backyard Ecology Project – Due November 13 th Crash Course: Ecology HW: Chapter 52 Notes due Monday
CHAPTER 52 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere
Warm-Up Please read “The Next Frontier” and be ready to discuss the article. gy-risk-may-be-tied-to-how-you-wash-your- dishes/
You Must Know The role of abiotic factors in the formation of biomes. Features of freshwater and marine biomes. Major terrestrial biomes and their characteristics. Please refer to learning objectives and essential knowledge handout.
Ecology: the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and the environment The ecological study of species involves biotic and abiotic influences. Ex: Temperature and nutrients availability can affect terrestrial plants, crop growth - This will change the animals that inhabit that area Ex: Oxygen availability, temperature and salinity can affect the aquatic zone where you would find different fish
Biogeography Biogeography: geographic distribution of species Factors: Dispersal – movement away from area of origin Behavior – habitat selection Biotic factors – other species, food resources, competition, pollinators, predators Abiotic factors – temp, water, oxygen, salinity, sunlight, rocks & soil Very sensitive to precipitation and temperature patterns.
What are some human activities that could alter the abiotic factors of this ecosystem?
Heirarchy Organisms Population: group of individuals of same species living in a particular geographic area Community: group of populations of different species in an area Ecosystem: community of organisms + physical factors Landscape: mosaic of connected ecosystems Biosphere: global ecosystem
Climate: long-term prevailing weather conditions in a particular area Climate = temperature + precipitation + sunlight + wind Macroclimate vs. microclimate: Macro: work at seasonal, regional or local level Micro: small-scale environmental variation (eg. under a log)
Factors that Affect Climate Patterns: Sunlight intensity and Seasons Latitude – Changes angle of sunlight Tilt of Earth’s Axis Distance/Position relative to the sun
Seasonal Turnover in Lakes As temperature drops, water temperature cools and sinks Fall turnover renews oxygen and nutrients to the bottom layer of the lake
Factors that Affect Climate Patterns: Ocean Currents What unique property of water?
Which side of the canyon has more plants? Why? Black Canyon of the Gunnison River
Factors that Affect Climate Patterns: Mountains (altitude) affect rainfall
Factors that Affect Climate Patterns: Air Circulation & Precipitation Patterns
Climate and elevation determine biomes Figure Figure 34.7C
Biomes: major types of ecosystems that occupy very broad geographic regions
Climograph: plot of temperature & precipitation in a particular region
Tropical Forest
Temperate Grassland
Northern Coniferous Forest
Temperate Broadleaf Forest
Disruptions to Terrestrial Biomes Natural: Storm, Fire, Flood Human Activity
Aquatic Biomes Water and Oxygen
Streams & Rivers
Intertidal Zones
Oceanic Pelagic Zone (Open Water)
Coral Reefs
Marine Benthic Zone
Closure Questions 1. Give one example of a marine biome and one example of a freshwater biome. 2. List the 2 most important abiotic factors that influence where people live. 3. A group of populations of different species in the area. 4. A community of organisms in an area and the physical factors with which those organisms interact. HW: Bring Textbook Tomorrow!! HW: Ch 53 Vocabulary HW: Bring Textbook Tomorrow!! HW: Ch 53 Vocabulary
Assignment Synthesis Questions Practice Worksheet Tonight: Complete Ch 53 Vocabulary, Bozeman Podcasts on populations/ populations/ BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK TOMORROW!