THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE INTRO-CHAPTER 1. WHO WAS LUKE? Luke was a Greek physician Col 4:14 Author of “The Acts of the Apostles” (Only Gospel author.


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Presentation transcript:


WHO WAS LUKE? Luke was a Greek physician Col 4:14 Author of “The Acts of the Apostles” (Only Gospel author to have a sequel) These two books are often referred to as a single unit called Luke-Acts. A companion of Paul 2 Tim 4:11; Philemon 1:242 Tim 4:11Philemon 1:24 In certain sections of Acts, the author uses the first person plural in the narrative (Acts 16:10-17; 20:5-15; 21:1-8; 27:1-28:16). These are usually referred to as the “WE” sections and would indicate that the author of Acts accompanied Paul at these times.Acts 16: :5-1521:1-827:1-28:16

LUKE-ACTS The Gospel according to Luke Story of Jesus The Acts of The Apostle Continuation of the Story of Jesus, through the Story of the Apostles Legitimizes the Gentile Mission Luke is part of the “Synoptic Gospel” “Synoptic” is Greek for “having a common view” Matthew, Mark, Luke John differs significantly from the synoptic gospels in theme, content, time duration, order of events, and style.

TO WHOM WAS THE BOOK OF LUKE WRITTEN? Theophilus V. 3: “…to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus” The name Theophilus means, "lover of God," or "friend of God.“ The Book of Acts is also addressed to Theophilus

THEOPHILUS THEORIES Luke (1:3) refers to Theophilus using the words "most excellent" (kratistoV). Since this seems to refer to nobility, most of the theories on Theophilus state that he was either a government official or an influential citizen. A widely accepted theory is that Theophilus was Luke's patron and helped him to publish Luke-Acts. This preface may be a general dedication to ALL Christian readers.

PERICOPE 2: THE PROMISE OF THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Narrative is dated during the reign of Herod the Great (37-4BC) Zechariah: Jewish Priest; Elizabeth (wife); Advanced in years (old) V. 6-7: Both were righteous & blameless; Childless V “Angel of the Lord appears/A Son will be given” “Do Not Be Afraid”; “Your Prayer is heard” (V. 13) “Bear a son” “call him John” (V. 13) John means “the LORD is gracious”

PERICOPE 2: THE PROMISE OF THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST V. 15 “he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit” Nazirite Vow (Numbers 6:1-8) Vow of Consecration V.17 “he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.” The prophecy of Malachi is invoked (Malachi 3:1; 4:5f) Comparison to Elijah

PERICOPE 2: THE PROMISE OF THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Rejection & Consequences V. 18 Zechariah questions the Angel of the Lord V. 19 “I am Gabriel”… “in the presence of God” V. 20 “You now will be silent…” Elizabeth becomes pregnant V. 24 “Elizabeth conceived, and for five months she kept herself hidden” V. 25 “Thus the Lord has done for me in the days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.”

PERICOPE 3: THE ANNUNCIATION V. 26 “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God…” Gabriel appears in Scripture before. (Dan. 8:15-27; 9:21) V. 28 “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” O FAVORED ONE!!! How about that as a title from a heavenly angel! V. 29 “But she was greatly troubled at the saying” She was humble, didn’t feel deserving of the title

PERICOPE 3: THE ANNUNCIATION V. 31 “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.” A Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, meaning “The LORD Saves” Isaiah’s Prophecy is now being fulfilled! (7:14) “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” V. 32 “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David” 2 Samuel 7:12-17 (The Lord’s Covenant with David)

PERICOPE 3: THE ANNUNCIATION V “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” “the Holy Spirit will come upon you… therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God” 3 Facts of Faith for the Miracle Birth 1) Luke was a doctor. 2) Luke’s research is based of eyewitness accounts… 3) As a Christian, belief that God can create a baby in a womb without sex being involved.

PERICOPE 3: THE ANNUNCIATION V For no word from God will ever fail. “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her. God’s Word will never fail Mary, unknowing of what her future might hold, willing obeyed God. That’s golden trophy of servanthood!

PERICOPE 4: MARY’S VISIT TO ELIZABETH V. 41 “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” The baby recognized God inside the womb of Mary! V. 43 “the mother of my Lord” Through the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth recognized that Mary’s child would be the Messiah. This must have strengthened Elizabeth’s faith even more.

PERICOPE 4: MARY’S VISIT TO ELIZABETH V “Mary’s Song of Praise” Often called “Magnificat” An outburst of praise largely in the Old Testament. Hannah’s Song (1 Samuel 2:1-10) Dwell’s on: His power, His Holiness, and His mercy V. 56 “Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.” Mary, more than likely, was not there when John was born.

PERICOPE 5: THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST V. 59 “On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child” Jewish commandment from God (Gen. 17:10-4; Lev. 12:1-3) V. 59 “they were going to name him after his father Zechariah” Jewish customs were that the boys received the names of their father or some relative. V. 60 “his mother spoke up and said, “No! He is to be called John.” She remembered what Gabriel had commanded of them.

PERICOPE 5: THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST V “He asked for a writing tablet, and to everyone’s astonishment he wrote, “His name is John.” Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God.” Upon accepting the name John, as the angel instructed, Zechariah’s dumbness was healed. V. 67 “His father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit” After months of being silenced by the angel, Zechariah’s first words are words of Praise, for he was filled with the Holy Spirit.

PERICOPE 5: THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST V Zechariah’s Song (also referred as Zechariah’s Prophecy) Often called the Benedictus As a result of him being filled with the Holy Spirit, they are word’s of prophecy which express God’s revelation. Old Testament References V. 69 “the house of his servant David”; V. 71 “salvation from our enemies”; V. 73 “The oath he swore to our father Abraham”; The Messiah/John The Baptist He tells about the coming Messiah, and how his son will prepare the way for him Finishes by dwelling on the coming salvation.

PERICOPE 5: THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST V. 80 “And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.” Prophets used isolation of the uninhabited desert to enhance their spiritual growth and focus on God. Theory: Some believe John’s parents did not live to many years after he was born, for they were already old in age, and he was brought up by Essenes who lived in the wilderness and raised other peoples children.