Contact Jayne Bratton or Kathryne Scully: Business How to grow your business How to grow your business - October
Discussion Is knowing ‘why’ we are doing something important? How to grow your business - October
4 What did you love to do as a child? What do you want to be remembered for? If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do? What upsets you or makes you cry? What projects do you enjoy getting lost in? What makes you smile, or are you passionate about? What advice are you always giving your friends? Why did you love doing that? Why is that important to be remembered for? Why is that important to do regardless of money? Why does that upset you? Why do you think you get lost in that project? Why does that make you smile? Why do you like giving that advice to your friends?
Discussion Why do you think knowing where you are heading is important? How to grow your business - October
Vision Map Business 2015 Staff 2016Retire Products Now Customer Incentives Premises MONEY Turnover Income OFFERING ASSETS THE BUSINESS What people say about me Awards I have won Geographical Area Loans How to grow your business - October
Personal Vision Map 2015 House Hobbies 2025Retire Partner Now Children Cars/Vehicles MONEY Income Loans / Debt FAMILY INTERESTS & CAREER ASSETS Other Pension/ Life Assurances Self Development / Spiritual Beliefs Friends Career How to grow your business - October
MonthKey calendar dates OperationsMarketingBusiness Growth Sept 2015 Back to School Oct th BST Ends 31 st Halloween Nov th Fireworks Night 10 th Remembrance Sunday Dec th Christmas Day 26 th Boxing Day 31 st New Years Day Jan st New Years Day 25 th Burns Night Feb th Valentines 17 th Pancake Day Mar th Mothers Day 29 th BST begins Apr st April Fools 18 th Good Friday 20 th Easter Day 21 st Easter Monday May th May Bank Hol 26 th May Bank Hol June th Fathers Day July 2016 School Hols begin Aug 2016 School holidays Bank holiday Rolling Annual Plan How to grow your business - October
11 How to grow your business - October 2015
12 How to grow your business - October 2015 Basic forms of ownership Sole proprietorship (Sole Trader) Corporation/LimitedSocial Enterprise owned by one person for-profit may employ others unlimited liability limited liability separate legal personality either government or privately-owned either for-profit or not-for-profit either privately or publicly has shareholders but can be only 1! directors don’t have to be shareholders! The purpose not the legal form e.g. Can be sole trader, limited or unlimited, charity or not Can make a profit or not, BUT profits reinvested in the community Trades for a social purpose Partnership owned by two or more people, though doesn’t have to be equal shares personally liable for the partnership's obligations and debts for-profit
VAT VAT – £82k VAT Exempt such as children’s nursery, physio Separate VAT rules for caterer, pharmacists, florists Flat rate £150,000 or less and leave at £230,000 Cash Accounting Scheme – pay VAT on sales when customer pays you and claim when you have paid supplier Annual Accounting Scheme VAT Retail Schemes. 13 How to grow your business - October 2015
Debt Management How to grow your business - October 2015 Leigh-Ann Wade Don’t Chase debts as soon as they become due. Try to resolve the problem if there is a genuine dispute. Use firm but friendly telephone calls. Keep records of everything that is said, and who you are dealing with, keep copies of letters sent. Add a late payment charge onto invoices. Hand the debt over to a reputable debt collector, sometimes just a different voice will have the desired effect. Work out how to minimise the risk of you not getting paid – e.g. deposit Accept excuses at face value without establishing what will happen next. Offer further credit to customers who aren’t paying. Take legal action if the debtor is unlikely to be able to pay Let outstanding payments drag on. 14
The word "brand" is derived from the Old Norse "brandr" meaning "to burn". It refers to the practice of producers burning their mark (or brand) onto their products. What is Brand Image “the information and expectations associated with a product, service or the company(ies) providing them” Wikipedia How to grow your business - October
16 Excercise What do you want people to say about your company How to grow your business - October
What I want people to say about my company About your service:How big are you:Who is your target audience: What do you sell/offer:What is the culture of your company:What does your company do for them: How to grow your business - October
Leaflets and Business Cards Do your leaflets and business cards say what you want to say about your company? How to grow your business - October
Who are your non-customers? 19 How to grow your business - October 2015
Discussion Should you target all customer groups with the same messaging? How to grow your business - October
Social Media in 2 minutes Facebook - business to consumer Remember to market in the sales / mums / business / interest groups Boosting to a target audience can really help Linked-in - corporates Twitter – wide ranging awareness Follow people like the police, radio stations, weather, schools etc… Instagram – overtaking facebook for business to consumer Pintrest – great for image driven companies Google+ - not really taken off too well but Googles version of fb Can have group hang outs with Google+ You-tube – great for messaging, recording examples etc Link your you-tube videos to your fb, website etc. How to grow your business - October
22 How to grow your business - October 2015 Customer Group Marketing: Medium Barrier to Purchase Product / Service Business Coaches and Consultants Fitness and sports Instructors and gyms Trades People Restaurants Play Centres PR Companies Physios, Osteopaths, Chiropractors Vets Histopathologists Shops Wellness Clinicians IT Support Insurance Recruitment Agencies Financial Sector Medical Clinics, skin complaints HR companies Training Companies Design Companies Travel companies Event companies Products/services Call answeringAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAA C Diary ManagementAAAAACAAAAAAAACAA C Sending out informationAAAAA BACAAAABCAABC Sending out invitationsAAAAA AAAAAAAACAABC CRM system managementAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Solutions to problemsCA AAAABABCCCBAB A 121 Training in MS systems Event organising Medium to Market Networking GroupsBABAAAAAAABBBAAABCA Cold CallingCBBBAABAAAABBAACCCA Newspaper BA BCAB A FSB partner BA BCAB A Radio ‘expert’ Visit new businessesAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA marketing Post on Facebook GroupsCBBBAABAAAABBAACCCA Barrier to Service Too Expensive AAC A Don’t need one It goes to voice mail anyway Can’t link to our systems
How to grow your business - October Network with your target audience
24 Master of your own destiny Flexibility of hours Flexibility of working location Seeing the growth of your business You set the culture You able to stop and enjoy a moment without anyone looking over your shoulder When you get paid by a client When you get a good sized order Part of the growth of the economy Lonely… very isolating Having to be master of everything in business No one to share your worries Make all the decisions Late payments = cashflow issues Fear of not getting paid Where will next order come from Fear of losing your home Fear of not being good enough Massively impacts your confidence Running your own Business How to grow your business - October
Freelance Part-time Combination of part-timers Mums Bonuses Virtual Get someone better than you! Staff How to grow your business - October
How to grow your business - October Retaining Staff
How to grow your business - October Exporting
Mind maps 28 How to grow your business - October 2015
What would your company look like if it was 10 times the size it is now… and then challenge your thinking about what is stopping you getting there How to grow your business - October