BSNS-171 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
THIS IS A 3-CREDIT CLASS DOES IT ONLY MEET ONCE A WEEK? Answer: Yes and No AttendanceTime per week Monday class time (required) 12:00 or 5:00 Optional Labs in Weber 307: Wednesday, Thursday 5:00 – 6:00
THIS IS A 3-CREDIT CLASS WHAT WILL THE TIME INVESTMENT BE? Answer: That Depends Time InvestmentExpected time per week Total Expected time Class: 3 Credits33 Homework: 2 hours per credit hour 3 * 26 Anticipated Hours per week
DO I NEED TO PURCHASE A TEXTBOOK? There will be a $75 charge for the class packet. It provides a license for training resources and the cost of the Microsoft Exam (with a free retake if needed) – a $125 value! The packet is not purchased until week four or five. You will be reminded when it is time to purchase the packet. Answer: No, but...
WHERE CAN I DO MY HOMEWORK Not on a Mac or iPad On a computer in a Weber lab or some places in the library On your own Windows-based computer – if it works – and it has Microsoft Office 2013 installed
NOTICE: Credit is not given for late assignments You will not receive credit if you do the wrong assignment