The 5 Minute Blaggers Guide To Linux By Dan Lynch Made On Linux
Are you Brian Blessed's love child? HELLOOOOO!!! … 2 nd most popular question, what is Linux? Made On Linux
Lin-ux or Li-nux? You've probably heard people say it differently. I don't think it matters but it's named after this fella... Linus Torvalds Creator of the Linux Kernel
Made On Linux It Began In Finland Finish programmer Began the Linux project at Helsinki University in 1991 It's an Open Source computer kernel designed after the well known Unix operating system.
Made On Linux So What's Unix? Not to be confused with Eunuchs, which are something else entirely... It's a computer operating system which was developed the 1960's and is still powers much of the world's Information infrastructure. Linux, BSD, Mac OS X (BSD under the hood) are all common Unix-like operating systems today.
Made On Linux What's A Kernel? Takes care of basic functionality Provides a basis for the more complicated layers above. Linux is a software kernel A kernel is the heart of a computer operating system, the foundation everything else is built on.
Made On Linux Working Together GNU tools, created by GNU project Started by Richard Stallman in the early 80's GNU/Linux, does it matter? The Linux kernel is combined with many other things to make up the operating system most of us call Linux
Made On Linux Many Flavours Known as distributions or “distros” for short
Made On Linux Who's The Penguin? His name is Tux and he's the Linux mascot. You see him all over the place
Made On Linux What does Open Source mean? Linux is Free and Open Source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License. A Copyleft license.
Made On Linux Free The Source Code You have the right to: Run the program for any purpose Study the code Modify it to suit your needs Redistribute One condition: Improvements or changes are given back to the community.
Made On Linux Ah, So Making Money Is Banned? Nope, completely wrong. The most common misconception about FOSS. Many companies make fortunes selling it
Made On Linux Enabling Global Business The London and New York stock exchanges are powered by Linux. It actually enables global commerce
Made On Linux Why Doesn't Everyone Use It?...actually they do.
Made On Linux Weaving The Web Actually they do. It powers the World Wide Web. And most the services you use daily.
Made On Linux Embedded Devices A lot of the consumer electronics in the world today contains a Linux kernel. Mobile phones TV's DVD players Cars Toasters …I could go on.
Made On Linux Why Should You Care? Linux is growing, it's everywhere. The new Google ChromeOS is Linux-based. It's becoming a part of life.
Made On Linux Equality Linux is bringing technology to the poorest parts of the world. Giving opportunities to people who never had them before.
Made On Linux Fairness Whether you're the richest corporation in the world... You have the same rights to use, study and modify and build on Linux. Or just a person in the street
Made On Linux Pretty Cool Huh? Ask me afterwards. Also is a good starting point