2 SLOVENIA - KEY FIGURES Independent:from 1991 EU Associated 1999, Full Membership in May 2004 Area: km 2 Population: 1,964 Mio Public sector: employees (public adm ) GDP per capita (2001): USD (70% of EU average) Real growth of GDP (2001): % Industry: 38 % Services: 58 % Trade: Exports in EU&EFTA countries: 65.3 % Imports in EU&EFTA countries: 69.9 % (source: Statistical Office of Republic of Slovenia)
3 CAF IN SLOVENIA IN GENERAL 2002 AND FORWARD – UP TO NOW Activities implemented interministerial working group for implementation of CAF (Feb02) translation and legal check on questionnaire (Sep02, Jan03) training – from imported to in-service (from Jul02) pilot in 8 organizations (Oct02) self-assessments in 26 organizations till Oct03 (12 in EIPA database)
4 CAF IN SLOVENIA IN GENERAL 2002 AND FORWARD - PLANS – Plans CAF as part of governmental Strategy on Public Adm. (July03) further distribution and promotion (internally, articles, conferences) continious intensive training case study for EIPA (Dec03) benchmarking on Slovene and European level, exchange of good practices (2004) pilot for Public Adm. within national award based on EFQM (Sep04)
5 max. Leadership min. Results for Society and Employees SELFASSESSMENT IN EU AND SLOVENIA Oct2002-July2003
6 When implementing a change, it is not satisfactory to copy positive foreign solutions, but to understand why, what and how is to be done. Change management is best to introduce and carry out by organizational own mind capital, which is to be developed through continious competitive training. SPEAK ONLY OF KNOWN MATTERS AND DECIDE ONLY ON THE MATTERS, WHICH YOU UNDERSTAND SOCRATES KEY IDEAS BEHIND TRAINING DEVELOPMENT
7 COLB CYCLE = PDCA IN TRAINING 1. TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS (PLAN) I. By interministerial group for CAF in Slovenia (Sept02-March03) 3 levels of training needed: Consulting for Top Mgtm Introductory Seminar on TQM for all employee Special Workshop for Top Mgtm and Assessors Training organizations: (from imported to Slovene in-service training) EFQM for public sector, Top Mgtm and assessors from pilot org. (July02) EIPA –Top Mgtm and assessors (Nov 2002, March 2003) National Administration Academy External (on the market): Faculty of Administration, consulting firms
8 1. TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS (PLAN) II. Trainers: from practice! (members of CAF group and pilot org.) - 5, in pairs Training objectives: to raise awareness on TQM and to offer a concrete tool Training methods should be dynamic and interactive Materials: special materials developed in Spring 2003
9 2. PROGRAMMES DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION (DO) I. Key organization: Administration Academy as national institution for training of civil servants (within Ministry of the Interior) Themes within the programmes: General: Workshops for assessors: -history on TQM -CAF as part of modernization of PA -standards ISO criteria and subcriteria -from quality assurance to its management -selfassessment process -EFQM and national award on quality (the role of Mgtm, -good practices in Europe and Slovenia setting the assessing group, -CAF model assessment and consensus methods, -basic concepts of EFQM and CAF selfassessment as HRM tool) -selfassessment as first step to exellence -design of action plan on improvement -follow-up
10 2. PROGRAMMES DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION (DO) II. Nr. of seminars/workshops and participants/org. (Feb03-Sep03!!!) General: 20 seminars, cca 470 participants from 45 organizations Workshops for assessors: 7 workshops, cca 60 assessors from 15 organizations Presentations on national conferences as “kind of a” training: over 10 events (Nov02-Nov03), over 1000 participants
11 3. TRAINING EVALUATION (CHECK) I. Tools: General evaluation forms within Administration Academy Evaluation within the group of trainers and interministerial group on CAF Main points: Best: knowledge and credibility of trainers and interactive methods Less satisfactory:aplicability of materials Organizations that have used training as a basic activity in presenting the CAF so far: Ministry of the Interior by directorates, Ministry of the Economy, Police, Statistical Office, local administrative units (10 ), municipalities (2), hospital, university
12 3. TRAINING EVALUATION (CHECK) II. How to develop the evaluation as a process of sharpening the axe: From trainer-participants to other links such as training organization- participants-trainer (cross-relational) Evaluation in time Evaluation among trainers and training organizations From direct response to measurement of increased efficiency on individual and organizational level Measurement of (increased) satisfaction of users of public services
13 4. CONTINIOUS TRAINING DEVELOPMENT (ACT) – GUIDELINES FOR THE FUTURE I. Training is – if designed and imlemented proffessionally – a perfect tool for promotion of TQM ideas and specific tools on the national and individual level. It is more effective to design national training schemes (based on experiences of others) and do it by domestic trainers from practice. In future training development key focuses are supposed to be: even more active approach in training methods smaller groups trainer as a moderator only materials very aplicable (if possible designed for the individual organizations)
14 4. CONTINIOUS TRAINING DEVELOPMENT (ACT) – GUIDELINES FOR THE FUTURE II. On the level of the individual organization the most effective sequence of activities is: Consulting the Top Mgtm or attending at quality conferences or seminars designed for Top Mgtm only on awareness and choice of different tools Seminar for all employees on awareness for the need of continious improvement Specific methodological seminars/workshops for assessors
15 NO ORGANIZATION IS AN ISOLATED ISLAND... Some highlights from Slovene experiences: CAF is a tool, not a magic to gain results it is neccessary to approach with certain self-criticism it is crucial to keep up with “political” support through assessment the “final” goal on national level is exchange of good practices