1 Prelude to a Passion
2 There is no single event that mankind relates to more…yet no more misunderstood event….than the crucifixion of Our Lord
3 If thou knowest not how to meditate on high and heavenly things, rest on the Passion of Christ, and willingly dwell in his sacred wounds. For if thou fly devoutly to the wounds and precious stigmata of Jesus, thou shalt feel great comfort in tribulation….Imitation of Christ, book ii, Chapter 1 Thomas a Kempis
4 Meditating on the Passion “You will appreciate the passion of Christ when you look with the eyes of your heart on Jesus crucified and see yourself in him”….St. Leo the Great Turn your eyes to him in his passion and “he will turn to you with kindly and compassionate eyes and forgetting his own sorrow, he will console you, because you go to him”….St. Theresa of Avila “The passion of Jesus is the greatest and most overwhelming work of God’s love”….St. Paul of the Cross
5 And so we begin our journey
6 The Means of Meditating The Scriptures Supposition & Revelation Scholarly Research Historic Writings Shroud Evidence Revelation s Anne Catherine Emmerich Revelations of St. Bridget (of Sweden)
7 The scene of the crime: From Gethsemane to Golgotha
8 Route Map next slide
10 Scripture References
12 Historical References Jim Bishop’s “The Day Christ Died” offers additional scholarly support and conjecture of the last hours of our Lord. “The Historical Jesus” by Gaalyah Cornfield gives a good study of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus’ death Flavius Josephus, Jewish writer and historian wrote “Antiquities of the Jews” and the “Jewish War” provided historical insight into Pilate, the Jewish world, and crucifixions Philo, Horace, and Horatio – various historical documents of the time
13 Shroud References Dr. Pierre Barbet’s masterpiece classic “A Doctor at Calvary” described the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ from a surgeon’s view – using the evidence found on the shroud. Many other surgeons and medical people have followed and Fredrick T. Zugibe, M.D. wrote an excellent study. “The Cross and the Shroud”. “The Resurrection and the Shroud” by Mark Antonacci “The Blood and the Shroud” by Ian Wilson gives a technical study of the blood flows upon the shroud
14 A Look at the Shroud Patches sewn in by poor Clare sisters after fire
15 The Shroud of Turin Believed to be the burial cloth of Our Lord The linen sheet is 14’ long and 3’7” wide Shows the imprint of a naked man approximately 6’ tall* who had been brutally tortured and crucified Imprint on shroud has faded much over the centuries *From archeological digs, the average height of a man in the days of Jesus was approximately 5’4”
16 The Method of Shrouding
17 If Not Jesus, Who? The Shroud Depicts a Man: Who is approximately 6’ tall (a rarity in those days) Who had been scourged Who had been beaten and punched Who had worn a crown of thorns Whose hands and feet had been nailed Who had been pierced through the side with a spear There has never been any documented evidence of another crucified victim – ever being crowned with thorns
18 The Magic of Photography Positive ImageNegative Image
19 3-Dimensional Shroud
20 And you…Who Do You Think I Am? Artists’ Interpretations of the Shroud
21 References of the Mystics “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” by Anne Catherine Emmerich is an excellent study of the sufferings Jesus encountered, though some of the mystic’s revelations do not coincide completely with an analysis of the shroud nor with other mystics “The Revelations of St. Bridget” (Birgitta) of Sweden “The Life of Mary As Seen By the Mystics” compiled by Raphael Brown gives a review of the passion and death of Our Lord using a composite of four mystics (including the Anne Catherine Emmerich and St. Bridget of Sweden)
22 How Did It Get to This?
23 The Road to Meditation 1.The agony in the garden 2.Tortures, taunting, and trials – from the garden to conviction 3.The scourging 4.The crowning of thorns 5.Carrying of the wood 6.Nailing of the hands and feet and the raising of our Lord upon the cross 7.Dying on the cross 8.Mary’s ordeal