New American Nation: People and Documents Interactive Notes VS. 6a,b
Virginians played a very important role in creating a new government for the United States of America.
1. George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States.
He was a strong leader and was nicknamed “ The Father of Our Country.” His strong leadership was a model for future presidents. That’s why he’s called the Father of Our Country, because he gave the new country the leadership it needed, and he was a role model for others.
He had experience serving as commander-in-chief in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.
Draw a picture that represents the important qualities of George Washington.
2. James Madison believed that having a constitution was very important. A constitution is a plan for government.
He kept extremely detailed notes during the Constitutional Convention. The Constitutional Convention was a meeting where leaders talked about the constitution.
He helped the leaders agree on what should be written in the constitution. He was very good at compromising. He helped the delegates reach an agreement on what should be in the Constitution of the United States of America, even though it was very difficult. This is why he is called the “ Father of the Constitution.”
Draw a picture that shows why James Madison is important.
2 (part 2). The constitution is a document that serves as the supreme law of the United States. It is a plan for our government. All decisions made by our presidents and other leaders must follow the rules in the constitution.
It may be important and may have covered a lot of basic rights, but it was not perfect. Things have needed to be added or changed. A change to the constitution is called an amendment.
**The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights.**
The Bill of Rights protects the rights of Americans, such as freedom of religion, speech, and press. The Bill of Rights is based on George Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Rights.
Write in/Draw some important rights included in the United States Constitution (the 1 st ten amendments to it—the Bill of Rights)
3. George Mason wrote a document for Virginians called the Virginia Declaration of Rights.
It said that all Virginians have rights, like freedom of religion and freedom of press. It was a model for the United States Bill of Rights (part of the Constitution).
Draw a picture of at least two rights stated in the Virginia Declaration of Rights.
4. We already know Thomas Jefferson is famous for writing the Declaration of Independence, but he also wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.
This was a document that stated people should be free to worship as they choose.
Draw a picture that shows what Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom meant.