Cork City Adult Guidance Service Community Education The Cork Story To Date…


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Presentation transcript:

Cork City Adult Guidance Service Community Education The Cork Story To Date…

Session Overview Cork Service Background Community Ed defined Profiling Community Ed Snapshot of Cork Putting service out there –Marketing, networking, information, guidance Reflecting on Guidance in Community Ed Over to You

Cork Adult Guidance Service Service commenced in early 2006 under Phase 4 of the AEGI initiative Project proposal identified community education and literacy learners as priority Currently 4 staff (GCo-ord, 2 GCs, 1 IO) City centre based Information Resource Centre Community based guidance

Community Education - Definition “Community Education refers to education and learning, generally outside the formal education sector, with the aim of enhancing learning, empowerment and contributing to civic society. It is firmly community- based, with local groups taking responsibility for, and playing a key role in, organising courses, deciding on programme-content, and recruiting tutors. The grants provided by the Department to the VECs are to enable disadvantaged adults to avail of community education at minimal or no cost.” Letter re ALCE fund from The Dept. of Education and Science, May 2006.

Profiling Community Education Meetings with Community Education Facilitator & Partnership Ed Co-ordinator Getting to know the landscape – who does what, how and why Getting in the car to get bearings Reading Community Education reports Identify starting points – organic development Document learning from meetings, visits

Structure of the Community Education Service in City of Cork VEC

Cork Community Ed Snapshot 98 centres (FRCs, HSCLs, Disability, New communities, Travellers, Mens Groups…) 4,981 learners (mostly female, <upper 2 nd level ed, local) 430 courses (38% certified – FETAC Level 3, 4) Usually one class per week, small numbers, social aspect 3 sources of funding (distributed through 8 area networks) –Adult Literacy and Comm Ed fund (main source, mostly uncertified) –Back to Education Initiative (certified) –Cork City Partnership (certified) Myriad of pockets of other funding (DSFA, HSE, City Council, HSLC) Note: Stats relate to 2006 from City of Cork VEC Community Education Report 2006

Community Education - Snapshot

Putting the service out there Marketing & P.R. Networking & Referral Information & Guidance Provision Self – evaluation & reflective practice Strategy Development

Marketing and PR Take time to explain what guidance is, how service works –Community education co-ordinators (Slot at Network meetings) –Agencies (Presentations) –Tutors (Workshops) –Learners (Class visits) Face-to-face vital, flyers etc to re-inforce Combination of methods most effective Word of mouth – good news does travel! Developed flyers (map, drop in times), posters and a screen Inserts to Community Newsletters (client story), Community Ed Booklets and Brochures Display fliers and poster in community education centres Present at open days in Community Centres, Lifelong Leaning Festival, Adult Education Exhibition

Networking ‘Gatekeepers’ in the community key to promoting awareness of & access to the guidance service-develop relationships Combination of formal and informal – presentation / chat over coffee Identifying key groups within communities and city wide e.g. HSLCs Working on joint initiatives e.g. Lifelong Learning Festival Identifying suitable venues for meeting clients Initiate relevant networks e.g. GCs in Further Ed colleges Developing links internally with VEC (reception, grants, CEF, IT, management)

Developing effective referrals (often works both ways, to and from) Community Ed providers, tutors Literacy services Community services – counselling, créche Agencies – DSFA (funding), FAS, LES, MABS, NLN Support services – New communities, disability Further & Higher Ed (course co-ordinators, VTOS, adult ed, disability, guidance/careers) Referrals

Information Ongoing gathering of accurate, up to date and relevant information on courses, agencies and support services Developing systems for sharing information within the guidance service team Electronic - Shared network drive (courses by subjects, providers ) - - Notes from meetings, visits etc. Physical library - Boxes for each community network -Courses Folders (most frequent queries) -Careers Folders (starting with popular areas) Agency Packs

Guidance Provision 1-1 sessions At local centre or central office Folder of most frequently used info Mobile phone Business/appointment cards Group sessions Informal, short input introducing service Information sessions on funding, next steps in learning Guidance themes-choosing right course for you Series of inputs from different agencies e.g. LES, Childcare Committee Check literacy levels – tailor input May result in 1-1 follow ups

Group Guidance Process Service introduction at Blackpool-Shandon-Cathedral Community Education Network Meeting Meeting with St. Vincent’s Secondary & Primary Schools HSLCs to profile classes and learners, schedule class visits GC visited Art, Crochet, and Maths classes Informal approach Outcomes Follow up on information and guidance queries Supported Art tutor re developing course into FETAC L3 Module Maths tutor requested guidance support for her other classes Scheduling further class visits

Guidance – one client’s story Guidance Interventions Explored background, clarified interest in Fashion area Information on various courses, chose best fit Liaised with college staff re places, interview process Course application form completed Interview preparation Liaised with college and social welfare staff re financial supports Maintenance grant application completed Starting Point Female, traveller, aged 21, in receipt of UA, Art & Craft Class in FRC Now In FETAC L5 Fashion Design & Knitted Textiles, in receipt of BTEA, awaiting maintenance grant

Guidance in a new, challenging, ever changing context – community development? Balancing networking, development and direct guidance provision Flexibility, ‘thinking outside the box’ approach – ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ Guidance as process rather than one-off intervention Identifying suitable progression options – gap between community ed and further/higher ed options Feedback locally and nationally re gaps and barriers e.g. education psychologist (SLD assessments) Creative partnerships with agencies are needed to overcome barriers and provide flexible learning opportunities Reflecting on guidance in Community Education