LevelOld SystemOur Proposal Primary Students learn from teachers Minimal learning from other sources Schedules are set by teachers Use of textbooks Not much career development programs Six Years Students learn from teachers primarily but slowly trained to learn from computer modules Students participate in mini-society development projects Schedules set by teachers Use of digital book Have a subject dedicated to goal setting and career planning Required to choose atmost 3 fields of interest for possible career Six Years Secondary Students learn from teachers Minimal learning from other sources Schedules are set by teachers Use of textbooks Six Years Required to choose one field of interest for college Students learn from multitudes of sources, mostly from computer or online Students participate in mini-society development projects Schedules set by students Use of digital book Subjects primarily the prerequisites of chosen fields Mentorship Program Minimum of two years, standard of Six Year Higher Education Students learn from teachers Minimal learning from other sources Schedules are set by teachers Use of textbooks Usually Four Years Internship or OJT usually optional Students learn from multitudes of sources, mostly from computer or online Students participate in mini-society development projects Schedules set by students Use of digital book Students placed nearer actual sites of practice, under companies or organizations Mentorship Program Usually Four Years