1 1 PETER 5:1-11 The Calling of a Developmental,Nurturing, Servant Leader Compared to the Opposite! John M. Dettoni, Ph.D. John M. Dettoni, Ph.D. Chrysalis Ministries San Clemente, California USA
2 A suggestion: As we go thru 1 Peter 5, write down: (1)the positives and negatives regarding leaders, (2) how these +/- relate to our being called as a leader
3 vv 1-2 “To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ’s sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed:….
4 v 2. “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve;”
5 Verse 1, NEGATIVE: “elder” above other elders not superior not first among equals not superior position
6 Verses 1-2 POSITIVE: Elders = "older ones in leadership" Peter: Fellow elder, Equal among many, Shows equality, An elder together
7 Be Shepherds, Feed Care for the flock as overseers = active actions, not passive Responsibility to care, feed, to act like a shepherd. See Ezek. 34; Ps. 23; Jn 10:1-18
8 verses 1-2 How are “elder,” “fellow elder,” and “shepherd” related to the call to be a leader?
9 Verse 2a – MOTIVATION -- NEGATIVE: Compulsion, Duty, Obligation Reluctantly FORCED
10 Verse 2a – MOTIVATION – POSITIVE: Willingly, following God's will "as God wants you“ Note: as God wants, literally: "according to God."
11 verse 2 WHO calls us to be leaders? and WHY does he call us?
12 Does God call us to be leaders or shepherds? (Mark 1:17-18; 2:14; 10:45)
13 God calls us to respond: Eagerly, willingly, called to be shepherd, that is, servant leader characterized by compassion, concern, love, care, and hard work!
14 Leaders do not have these values and behaviors based on duty or compulsion. Duty, compulsion are not conducive to these values and behaviors.
15 Verse 2b –NEGATIVE: Greed for money Selfishness, Egocentric Zeal for self, Money a job, not calling
16 verse 2: Why are these negative values NOT part of being called to be a Christian leader? What is the basic problem with these values?
17 Verse 2b - POSITIVE: Selflessness, Other centered Zeal for God Calling, Vocation! Not just a job or task
18 Why are these values so important to being called to be a leader?
19 verse 2b What parts of the lives of leaders are related to these values and behaviors?
20 v 3 “…not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.”
21 Verse 3 - NEGATIVE: Lord it overothers Entitled to respect Authoritarian, Tyrant, Domineering Organizational mindset of power, position, prestige
22 VERSE 3 – POSITIVE: Entrusted with sheep, to care for them – Be a shepherd-leader, servant-leader/”elder”
23 Sheep are not one's own Owner entrusts them to the shepherd-servant-leader Be Example – Live in church is as family, organism, not organization
24 verse 3 If the sheep are not our own, then what does this mean about our being called to be leader-shepherds? How we make people our priority?
25 Are leaders shepherds or nurturers? Do we lead the sheep or do we nurture, feed, and care for the sheep?
26 v 4. “And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”’
27 Verse 4 – NEGATIVE: Reward: Short-term glory from others
28 Verse 4 – POSITIVE: Chief shepherd gives authority and power (See Heb. 13:10; Jn 10:11,14)
29 Leaders are not their own source of their authority and power
30 Power and authority are always derived: source is God, not self Gifts to be used for Christ and His Kingdom. see Mt. 28:18 He will reward with crown of glory that never fades
31 verse 4 What are the temptations associated with power and authority? and….
32 …Is “being called” to be a leader always related to power and authority? Yes/No & Why?
33 If power & authority are always derived, i.e., they are not naturally ours but are God-given, what does this mean about our calling to be leaders?
34 vv 5-6. “Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ 6. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”
35 Verses 5, 6 - NEGATIVE: Proud, Unsubmissive, Stiff-necked, Resistant, Self-sufficient, Independent Ego-centric Take care of self first
36 Verses 5,6 - POSITIVE: Submit younger to older
37 ALL (younger, elders) Clothe selves with humility (apron of slave, marked their status as slaves - See John 13:4) Humble towards each other Christ will lift you up eventually with the glory which you did not have during your humility
38 verse 6 Called to “humbleness?” How realistically is humbleness associated with leaders?
39 Pride versus Humility….. Why does pride so often become part of the make-up of leaders who start humbly? What makes a called leader proud?
40 v 7. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
41 Verse 7 - NEGATIVE: Anxious
42 Verse 7 – POSITIVE: Cast all anxiety on him Peaceful, not anxious "He cares for you" Therefore relax!!
43 Why are leaders who are “called ones” too often anxious?
44 vv 8-9 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”
45 Verses 8, 9 - NEGATIVE: Negative character traits: spiritually immature….
46 Unspiritual: Lacking self-control Lethargic Inattentive Vacillating Being devoured by Satan and yielding to him
47 Verses 8-9 – POSITIVE: Self-controlled See Gal. 5:23 Alert, Stand firm. Why? Because of Satan, Because of difficulties (see Ezek. 34: 17-19, 21). Resist Satan (Jas. 4:7 Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee)
48 We call this kind of person in Verses 8, 9 – spiritually mature, or a spiritual person (see Romans 8)
49 How do these positive (and their obvious negative) characteristics relate to being called to be a leader? (self-control, alert, stand firm in the faith resist enemy – “prowling/roaring lion,” )
50 vv “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
51 Verses POSITIVE: Results after suffering & difficulties: God of grace will 1)Restore! 2) Strengthen! 3) Make you firm, Steadfast!!
52 He will : 1) confirm, establish, strengthen 2) strengthen, make strong 3) establish, strengthen, as a strong and firm foundation
53 vv, – The ultimate Calling: Stand firm as a leader God will confirm, establish, strengthen, make strong, establish, give you a firm foundation! Meaning what?
54 CONCLUSION to 1 PETER 5 -- Therefore, all Christians are to serve/shepherd each other regardless of who they are and regardless of their roles, status, positions.
55 All Christian believers are called to function in various leadership capacities
56 Regardless of our roles, responsibilities, authority, position, etc. we are to one degree or other SHEPHERDS: NURTURING, DEVELOPMENTAL, TRANSFORMATIONAL, SERVANT LEADERS!
57 Take a Christian perspective on leadership into the marketplace and Church!!!
58 If these things are true, how will your call to be a leader affect you in your: HOME? BUSINESS/WORK? CHURCH? NATION?
59 “Shepherds lead sheep; butchers drive them.”
60 Shepherd-Leaders NURTURE and CARE for the Sheep Evil ones STEAL and SLAUGHTER the Sheep
61 “…To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” © 2008, John M. Dettoni, Ph. D. Chrysalis Ministries, San Clemente, California USA skype: john.dettoni
62 In your own words, answer the question: Therefore, What does it mean to be called to be a leader who is Christian (regardless of venue: home, church, business, politics, etc.)?