JIA REPORT for the ACPP: ARCASIA Committee on Professional Practice Nov. 11, 2015 Yoshihiko SANO, JIA
Latest Topic: Reformation of JIA REGISTERED ARCHITECTS SYSTEM, approved at the General Assembly in June Before the reformation in June ) The Qualification System for JIA Registered Architects was approved by JIA at its General Assembly in May 2003, as a certification system that meets or exceeds the standards stipulated by the UIA Accord. 2) The JIA Council of Architect Certification was established soon afterward. 3) To be certified as a JIA registered architect under this system, current certification as a First Class Kenchikushi in combination with five years of practical experience is required. 4) For a new architect, completion of the JIA practical training program is required for certification. 01
Latest Topic: Reformation of JIA REGISTERED ARCHITECTS SYSTEM, approved at the General Assembly inJune After the reformation in June 2015 At the General Assembly this year, rule of THE JIA REGISTERED ARCHITECTS SYSTEM was revised as follows: 1) All of JIA members shall become JIA registered Architect 2) JIA registered architect who intends to renew his/her registration must acquire a minimum of 36 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits over three years. 3) CPD credits of JIA registered Architect system secured commonality with CPD system of other architectural institutions in Japan. 4) Every JIA registered Architect have a responsibility of bringing up junior architect. 02
Latest Topic: Partial Amendment of Kenchikushi Law 1) Proper execution of design and related services (1) Requirement for a written contract if the total floor area of a building exceeds 300 m 2 (2) Prohibition of subcontracting of a service as a whole if the total floor area of a building exceeds 300 m 2 (3) Duty to use best efforts to sign a contract that complies with the remuneration standards established by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (4) Duty to use best efforts to sign a liability insurance contract for design and related services 2) Proper execution of design and related services by clarifying duties of Kanri Kenchikushi 3) Full disclosure of information including license certificates 4) Proper execution of services pertaining to MEP systems 03
CURRENT JIA MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH (as of Oct. 22, 2015) 1) Full Member: 4,017 2) Honorable Member: 43 3) Annual Membership Fee: 45,000 JPY + regional fee 04