Common gynecological problems in adolescent Bongkot Chakornbandit, MD OB – GYN, HPC 10 Ubon Ratchathani
Gynecological problem Dysmenorrhea Abnormal bleeding per vagina Amenorrhea Leukorrhea Abnormal pubertal development
Hx taking Gynecological Menarche Cycle, pattern, volume Pain, other symptom Hormone exposure Sexual Sexual activity Contraception Previous Mx / Tx Psychological
Dysmenorrhea Primary dysmenorrhea Secondary dysmenorrhea
Primary dysmenorrhea No pathology in pelvis 50% in reproductive age 10% interfere routine activity 1-3 yr. after menarche, 15 – 25 yr. Cause : excessive prostaglandins (PG)
Secondary dysmenorrhea Pathology in pelvis Usually occur after 25 yr. Progressive pain Cause : depend on pathology ; PID, endometriosis, IUD, myoma uteri etc.
Management Warm compression Exercise Medication NSIADs Hormone (OCP) Find & Tx cause in secondary dysmenorrhea
Abnormal bleeding per vagina Normal menstruation in adolescent Interval days Duration < 7 days Volume 30 – 80 ml.
Cause Pregnancy related bleeding Abortion Blighted ovum Molar pregnancy
Vagina / Cervix Trauma Infection FB Neoplasm Abnormal uterine bleeding
FIGO classification of AUB PALM-COEIN (FIGO 2011) PALM (structural abnormality) Polyp Adenomyosis Leiomyoma Malignancy / hyperplasia
COEIN Coagulopathy Ovulatory dysfunction thyroid, eating disorder, chronic illness, medication Endometrium (HMB) Iatrogenic Not classified
Management Evaluate severity of bleeding Find & Tx cause
Amenorrhea Primary amenorrhea 13 yr. : absence of secondary sex characteristic 15 yr. : presence of secondary sex characteristic Secondary amenorrhea Absence of menses > 3 regular cycles Absence of menses 6 mo.
Physiological amenorrhea Prepuberty Pregnancy Postpartum / lactation Menopause
Cause Primary amenorrhea Cryptomenorrhea (outflow tract obstruction) Gonadal dysgenesis (XO, XY, XX) Mullerian agenesis Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) / testicular ferminization (TF) Hypothalamic amenorrhea
Cause Secondary amenorrhea Compartment I : Uterus Compartment II : Ovary Compartment III : Pituitary gland Compartment IV : Hypothalamus Other cause : thyroid, DM, exogenous hormone
Cause Compartment I : Uterus Asherman’s syndrome Compartment II : Ovary Ovarian failure / dysfunction Compartment III : Pituitary gland Compartment IV : Hypothalamus
Cause Compartment I : Uterus Compartment II : Ovary Compartment III : Pituitary gland Hyperprolactinemia Prolactinoma Infarction (Sheehan’s syndrome) Compartment IV : Hypothalamus
Cause Compartment I : Uterus Compartment II : Ovary Compartment III : Pituitary gland Compartment IV : Hypothalamus Idiopathic Functional dysfunction : stress, exercise, eating disorder, chronic illness, Radiation / Trauma / Tumor
Management R/O pregnancy Refer to gynecologist
Leukorrhea Physiologic leukorrhea No symptom No abnormal odor Vary amount Ovulation Sexual arousal Pregnancy
Pathologic leukorrhea Other symptom : itch, pain, burn Abnormal odor Color : yellow, green, grey, white Characteristic : bubble, pus, curd-liked
Cause Infection : bacteria (BV), fungus (candida), trichomonas, virus Irritation / allergic response Foreign body Trauma Tumor
Management Physiologic leukorrhea Reassure Hygiene advice Pathologic leukorrhea Tx cause No SI during Tx Hygiene advice
Abnormal pubertal development Delayed puberty Precocious puberty
Delayed puberty 13 yr. : no secondary sex characteristic 15 yr. : no menstruation Not attained menarche > 5 yr. since onset of pubertal development Not attained menarche > 3 yr. since onset of breast / pubic hair development
Cause Genetic (constitutional delayed) Gonadal dysgenesis Gonadotropin deficiency Multiple hormone deficiency Hypothalamic-pituitary neoplasm Severe chronic illness / malnutrition Chemotherapy / radiation
Precocious puberty Pubertal development before 8 yr. (white 7 yr.) Menarche before 10 yr. Heterosexual precocity Isosexual precocity True sexual precocity : mature HPO axis Pseudoprecocity
Cause Idiopathic Genetic (constitutional) Exogenous hormone Hypothyroidism Ovarian tumor / adrenal gland tumor Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) CNS lesion (tumor / trauma / infection) Cushing’s syndrome McCune Albright syndrome
Management Refer to gynecologist