Report on DMM (Dagstuhl Middle Model) 3/15/2017 Report on DMM (Dagstuhl Middle Model) Timothy C. Lethbridge SITE, University. of Ottawa
DMM was Invented at The Dagstuhl Seminar on Interoperability of Reverse Engineering Tools Jan 22-26, 2001 About 45 people WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
The Dagstuhl Middle Model (DMM) Represents relationships among program and source elements in a language-independent way Key inputs University of Ottawa (TA++) Sander Tichelaar; Berne (Famix) Erhard Plödereder; Stuttgart (Bauhaus) See WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Key Decisions Non-pre-processed code preferred Can represent procedural languages References partly resolved More study of this is needed Allows several different levels of detail WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
The DMM schema Represented as UML Intended to be translated into a GXL schema WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Other GXL Schemas for Reverse Engineering Programming language level Abstract syntax trees Too much detail for many purposes Architectural level Connecting black boxes (e.g. pipe and filter) Hard / not possible to generate automatically WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Top level of the hierarchy WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Model element hierarchy WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Relationship hierarchy WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Source object hierarchy WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
DMM Development Status University of Ottawa Have C++ parser that generates DMM Used in SORTIE project Others used the data our parser generated Future work Progress continuing steadily by email etc. WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Issues Multi-part references to members Function pointers a.b().c.d Function pointers Resolving correct references Computed and aliased references Templates WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Possible extensions for traces and clusters WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Extending the Relationship Hierarchy for Clusters WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Useful URLs My home page DMM WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Example code to demonstrate DMM int i; void main() { i = 1; } WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Example DMM GXL (1/4) WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE gxl SYSTEM "gxl1.0.dtd"> <gxl> <graph> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#dmm"/> <node id=1> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#SourceFile"/> <attr name="name"> <string>example1.c</string> </attr> <attr name="path"> <string>C:\TEST\</string> </node> <node id=2> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#SourcePart"/> <attr name="startLine"> <int>1</int> <attr name="startChar"> <int>4</int> <attr name="endLine"> <attr name="endChar"> <int>5</int> <node id=3> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#GlobalVariable"/> <string>i</string> Example DMM GXL (1/4) WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Example DMM GXL cont. (2/4) <node id=4> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#SourcePart"/> <attr name="startLine"> <int>1</int> </attr> <attr name="startChar"> <int>4</int> <attr name="endLine"> <attr name="endChar"> <int>5</int> </node> <node id=5> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Type"/> <attr name="name"> <string>int</string> <node id=6> <int>2</int> Example DMM GXL cont. (2/4) WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Example DMM GXL cont. (3/4) <node id=7> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Routine"/> <attr name="name"> <string>main</string> </attr> </node> <node id=8> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#SourcePart"/> <attr name="startLine"> <int>2</int> <attr name="startChar"> <int>0</int> <attr name="endLine"> <attr name="endChar"> <int>4</int> <node id=9> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Type"/> <string>void</string> <edge from=1 to=2> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Contains"/> </edge> <edge from=2 to=3> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Defines"/> <edge from=2 to=4> Example DMM GXL cont. (3/4) WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge
Example DMM GXL cont. (4/4) <edge from=4 to=5> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Declares"/> </edge> <edge from=3 to=5> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#IsOfType"/> <edge from=1 to=6> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Contains"/> <edge from=6 to=7> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Defines"/> <edge from=6 to=8> <edge from=8 to=9> <edge from=7 to=9> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Uses"/> <edge from=7 to=3> <type xlink:xref="dmmschema.dtd#Sets"/> </graph> </gxl> WCRE 2001 Timothy C. Lethbridge