Changes to the CBD
What changes have taken place in the CBD over the last 40 years? (take 2 minutes and discuss it with your partner)
Changes to the CBD Streets have become pedestrianised (there is no cars) to make them safer for shoppers. (Think of Buchanan street) This will make it more pleasant with less noise and pollution from traffic..
Changes to the CBD Closed streets within the CBD and pedestrianisation - increases pedestrian safety, discourages through traffic, makes shopping more pleasant. (Buchanan Street)
Changes to the CBD
Altered road network to include one-way systems/bus/taxi lanes and cycle lanes - leads to smoother traffic flow and may encourage commuters to use public transport
Changes to the CBD Many old buildings have been redeveloped or knocked down so there will be many new buildings.
Changes to the CBD Modernised city centre shops, including new shopping malls - makes shopping more comfortable and counters the shift of shopping trends to out-of-town centres. (St Enoch’s and Buchanan Galleries) /newsid_ / stm?b w=bb&mp=wm&news=1&ms3=6&ms_java script=true&bbcws= /newsid_ / stm?b w=bb&mp=wm&news=1&ms3=6&ms_java script=true&bbcws=2
Changes to the CBD New offices have been built as the city tries to sell of the expensive land to large wealthy companies. (HSBC at the bottom of Buchanan street)
Changes to the CBD The CBD has become a 24 hour city with good lighting throughout the night and lots of attractions to bring people there late at night.
Changes to the CBD Many multi story car parks have been built. This helps to reduce cars on the street and helps improve traffic flow.