A New Approach
Vision Students of Sekolah Ciputra are proud of their national identity, embrace the spirit of entrepreneurship, celebrate cultural diversity and possess the skills, integrity and resilience to participate in a changing global society. Mission At Sekolah Ciputra we teach our students to: Take pride in their national and cultural heritage Demonstrate integrity, respect and empathy toward others Think critically and apply their learning in creative, innovative and entrepreneurial ways Communicate their thoughts and ideas in Bahasa Indonesia, English and Mandarin Achieve academically at the highest standard to which they are capable Respond with confidence and reason to an ever-changing world Fulfill their social and civic responsibilities, both nationally and globally.
The IB evaluation visit report states: all classroom teachers, that is, the teachers with whom the students spend most of their time, in all PYP year/grade levels take responsibility at least for the language of instruction, mathematics, social studies and science, to support the PYP model of transdisciplinary teaching and learning.
Standard C3.1: Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy. Teaching and learning aligns with the requirements of the programme(s) The school ensures that students experience coherence in their learning supported by the five essential elements of the programme regardless of which teacher has responsibility for them at any point in time. The classroom teacher takes responsibility at least for the language of instruction, mathematics, social studies and science, to support the PYP model of transdisciplinary teaching and learning. The school ensures that personal and social education is the responsibility of all teachers.
*To model excellent leadership skills as both a classroom teacher and team mentor. *As a mentor, work alongside Indonesian teachers to collaboratively plan, teach and assess student learning, resources and materials. *To share best practices in Elementary teaching with Indonesian teachers *To participate fully in all school activities at the same level as the Indonesian teachers and with acknowledgement of Indonesian cultural requirements. *To model and support the use and development of English across the curriculum.
English Teacher Set # of lessons/week Uses an interdisciplinary approach where possible Plans, delivers and assesses English program in a separate room designated as “the Literacy Teacher’s Room” Local Teacher Attends with class in a secondary role Local Teacher Does not assess students in English class Local Teacher Connections to U o I are contained within English lessons
Seen as the sole teacher of English literacy when in fact every teacher is an English literacy teacher since English is the language of instruction Opportunities for capacity building and sharing are limited and teachers do not have adequate opportunities to adopt, reflect on and consolidate with each other a core set of best practices, principles, values and strategies Indonesian teachers did not have exposure to a model of spoken and written English over a sustained period of time that could help to develop their own English language skills Students saw English language learning as a set of skills learned in isolation rather than extended into every area of their schooling
There is no separate English Room but English Literacy will be embedded in the Units of Inquiry and expatriate teacher will work alongside Indonesian teachers in their classrooms Expatriate teacher works in individual classrooms for extended periods of time and participates in planning, teaching, assessing, observing, engaging in two-way feedback with local staff in all areas of the curriculum with the exception of Bahasa, Religion, PA/PE and Mandarin The scope and sequence of concepts and skills related to the acquisition of English as an Additional Language remains the responsibility of the expatriate teacher
Expatriate Teacher: Works with 3 or 4 classes at a year level Is an integral part of the planning team for all subject areas Timetabled to spend 18/24 periods in one classroom The remaining 6 periods will be evenly divided among the other classrooms, possibly doing guided reading/writing, running records or whatever plan has been put in place. Initially expat will spend a day in each classroom, negotiating the physical layout of the classroom, class agreements, routines etc. After initial set up, will spend blocks of time in each class Taking a lead role in the planning, delivering and assessing of the literacy program Sharing resources, mentoring and giving/receiving constructive feedback to/from local teachers aimed at developing teachers