What do we need in order to read a map? Direction Scale Legend
Road Maps Shows people how they can travel form one place to another Shows where the main highways are and where small country roads are.
Shaded Relief Map Shows the shape of the land- mountains, valleys, rivers and lakes
Topographic Maps Show a two- dimensional representation of a portion of the three dimensional surface of the earth.
Topographic Maps
What is a topographic map? a map showing topographic features, usually by means of contour lines. Graphic representation of the surface features of a place or region on a map, indicating their relative positions and elevations.
Land Height Elevation- is the vertical distance above or below mean sea level. Relief- is a representation of the shapes of hills, valleys, streams or terrain CONTOUR LINES
Contour Lines Contour lines join points on a map that are of equal height above sea level
Contour Lines How high above sea level is point X? 50 m How high above sea level is point Y? 125m
Contour Lines On the above map, the highest point is shown with a dot. This is called a spot height.
Rules of Contour Lines 1.A contour line must never divide or split. 2.A contour line must never simply end. Somewhere the two ends of a contour line must join to enclose an irregularly circular region. 3.A contour line must represent one and only one elevation.
Rules of Contour Lines 4.A contour line may never intersect other contour lines. 5.Contour lines forms a V pattern when crossing streams and it always points upstream. 6.Closely spaced contour lines indicate a steep slope; widely spaced lines indicate a gentle slope.
Rules of Contour Lines 7.Concentric circles of contour lines indicate a hilltop or mountain peak. 8.Concentric circles of hashed contour lines indicate a hollow or closed depression.
Drawing Contour Lines Where would X and Y be on this map?
Drawing Contour Lines
Recognizing Contour Lines
Contour Intervals A set distance between contour lines on a map. Ex. A 100 interval would mean that you have lines showing 100m changes in elevation between them.
Question So, what is the contour interval for this island? 50m
Now you draw the lines.