Rosalinda B. Vasquez BS Civil Engineering University of the Philippines Los Baños Rosalinda B. Vasquez BS Civil Engineering University of the Philippines Los Baños Exploratory Analysis of Traffic Impact of the Proposed Relocation of Los Baños Municipal Hall
Introduction Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is a traffic engineering study which determines the potential traffic impacts of a proposed development. A TIA usually needs to be submitted by a developer before any changes in the land use zoning, subdivision maps, site plans or new driveways are approved. A TIA should start in the earliest planning stages of a project including at site selection.
by UP National Center for Transportation Studies Foundation, Inc. (UPNCTSFI) through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) development study program Objective: To establish a standardized process to serve as the basis for the preparation and evaluation of traffic impact assessments of urban and regional development projects. Proposed Guidelines for Traffic Impact Assessment in the Philippines
TIA Process Warrants - Size - Reclassification of Zoning - Modifications to Public Roads - High Traffic Impact Areas Contents of a Traffic Impact Assessment Report Level of Service Analysis - Volume-Capacity Ratio - Scenarios to be Analyzed - Standards of Significance Contents
Background The proposed relocation of the Los Baños Municipal Hall is located at National Highway corner PCCARD Road, Brgy. Timugan near BPI Economic Garden. Lot Area = 6215 m 2 Floor Area = 1512 m 2 Gross Floor Area = 3024 m 2 The existing municipal hall is located at Baybayin, Los Baños near Poblacion Public Market and Laguna Lake.
Size Threshold Values and Development Type that requires TIA Development TypeSize Threshold Values Residential100 dwelling units Educational2,500 m 2 (GFA) Office Building1,575 m 2 (GFA) Motor Vehicle Department540 m 2 (GFA) Commercial810 m 2 (GFA) Fast Food200 m 2 (GFA) Gasoline Station100 m 2 (GFA) Recreational Facilities2,150 m 2 (GFA) Industrial8,600 m 2 (GFA) Hotel170 rooms Medical85 beds Source: Guidebook on Traffic Impact Assessment, NCTS-JICA March 2003
Location Map National Highway PCCARD Road Existing Municipal Hall Proposed Municipal Building Laguna Lake Pantua St.
BPI Economic Garden Site Map Proposed Municipal Building
Site Photos
This study will evaluate whether the traffic condition will be affected by the proposed development. This study can serve as an example of a TIA. This study will provide knowledge about TIA and its contents. Significance of the Study
General Objective To assess the traffic impact of the proposed relocation of Los Baños Municipal Hall Specific Objectives To analyze the existing traffic conditions To estimate the future traffic with and without development To identify the impacts of the proposed development To recommend roadway improvements Objectives of the Study
Study Methodology Data Collection Existing Municipal Hall (Existing Location) Existing Municipal Hall (Existing Location) Proposed Municipal Building (Site for Relocation) Proposed Municipal Building (Site for Relocation) Data Analysis TripGenerationTripGeneration Mode of Transportation Transportation Traffic Volume Road Capacity SurveySurvey Level of Service (Present and Forecasted Future) Level of Service (Present and Forecasted Future) Forecast Future Traffic Volume Forecast Future Traffic Volume Survey (Traffic Count) Survey Get from DPWH DPWH Survey (with Questionnaire) Questionnaire)