Finnish Tax Administration
Content highlights Mission: Collecting the taxes and distributing them Strategic planning Our organisation and staff
Verohallinto Collecting the taxes and distributing them
Legal norms The European Union Finnish Parliament Local municipal councils and the Province of Åland Cabinet of ministers, Ministry of Finance, Tax Administration Recovery of tax debts by enforcement Enforcement offices in all regions of Finland. Separation of powers Protection of taxpayers’ rights Administrative Courts Supervisory authorities Criminal investigation and prosecution Police Courts of Law
Tax revenue: who pays, who gets it and how it is used
Tax revenues, 2015
Tax arrears, 2015
Statistics on tax control, 2015
Strategic planning
Strategy for 2013–2018 Business idea Collecting the right tax at the right time to enable society to function. Values Building trust Working together Embracing New Ways of Working
Strategy for 2013–2018 Vision 2025 The Tax Administration is among the best in the word – by reputation and by results. Strategic objectives Tax gap to shrink considerably Taxpayers to meet their liabilities in full Smooth and effective processes Capable and motivated employees
Tax gap to shrink considerably Good tax morale Legal rules to promote positive outcomes Minimal opportunities for error
Taxpayers to meet their liabilities in full Taxpayers feel that it is worth meeting their obligations. Honesty is the best policy. Making the tax process easier and cutting costs for customers.
Breakdown by taxpayer categories
Smooth and effective processes Process management New methods rapidly implemented Optimal use of resources Action guided by risk management Delivering results through proactive guidance and effective tax control We utilise information flows efficiently
Organisaatio ja henkilöstö Organisation and staff
Organisation Tax Recipients’ Legal Services Unit Internal Auditing Unit Executive and Legal Unit Grey Economy Information Unit Communications Unit Director-General Administrative Unit IT Services Central Tax Board Board of Adjustment VERONKANTO- YKSIKKÖ CORPORATE TAXATION UNIT VERONKANTO- YKSIKKÖ INDIVIDUAL TAXATION UNIT VERONKANTO- YKSIKKÖ TAX COLLECTION UNIT
Capable and motivated employees Maintaining workplace wellness Ensuring the expertise required Leadership based on trust and mutual respect Effective tools and methods
Staff members
Developing our e-services
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