Canteen / Clubhouse Suggested layout for all ovals Clubs should label playing fields if different.
12 Suggested Oval Layouts – other ovals – 4 teams scheduled Centre wicket areas
Playing Dimensions 1.22m 16m 18m 20m Mowed area / pitch should be about 18-20m x 2m (5 -6 mower widths). Crease marked batters end at 1.22m Crease marked bowlers end at 16m Dots at bowlers end at 16 & 18m from dot for stumps at batting end. Allow 20m + for boundary markers to be set by teams on the day. NB. Playing arenas at Power Park and Kahlin may need to share boundary markers to maximise playing areas. Distance behind stumps/ Wkeeper can be reduced to approx m if required.