Implementation of CLW RF Implementation of CLWRF for downscaling CCAM outputs and results Hanh NGUYEN-THI Hanoi University of Science, VNU 9 th - 15 th.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementation of CLW RF Implementation of CLWRF for downscaling CCAM outputs and results Hanh NGUYEN-THI Hanoi University of Science, VNU 9 th - 15 th Dec, 2012 Melbourne -Australia

Content Overview of CLWRF Experiment design Results Remarks

Overview of CLWRF New flag within configure.wrf (following line after - DNETCDF):  CLWRFXTR: extreme values computation  CLWRFGHG: green house gases computation  CLWRFHVY heavy stuff: wind gust, sunshine, time moving/non-moving accumulations additional PBL time- series variables (in combination with CLWRFXTR flag) In Registry/folder, has to be substitute Registry.EM and registry.dimspec by:  Registry.EM_CLWRF  registry.dimspec.clwrf

Overview of CLWRF Additional output: File with extreme values: T2MAX, T2MIN, T2STD, … File with accumulated precipitations (for a period of 24h, starting at desire): RAINCVMAX, RAINNCVMAX, RAINCVSTD, RAINNCVSTD,.. File with climatic 24 hour variables such as: sunshine, windgust,…

Overview of CLWRF CLWRF requires a number of fields as input. 3D Data  Temperature  U and V components of Wind  Geo-potential Height  Relative Humidity 2D Data  Surface Pressure  Mean Sea Level Pressure  Skin Temperature  2-meter Temperature  2-meter Relative or Specific Humidity  10-meter U and V components of wind  Sea surface temperature

Experiment design Data:  CCAM output from 9/2012 to 3/2013, forced by SST which was provided in October by Dr. Peter. Hoffmann (CSIRO)  Unstable version of CCAM (found some RH values which are 150% and over).  Format: NETCDF. CLWRF input format: GRIB  Rewrite Intermediate file format for 8 input variables: RH, TT, UU, VV, GHT, SST, PMSL, PSFC.

Experiment design Intermediate files:  PSFC: _00  PMSL: _00  UU: _00  VV: _00  GHT: _00  SST: _00  TT: _00  RH: _00 Typical information in these records is:  A version number  Information common to all types of gridded data  Information specific to the particular grid type represented  A 2-dimensional slab of data

Experiment design Exam: FIELD = PSFC UNITS = Pa DESCRIPTION = Surface pressure DATE = _12:00:00 FCST = SOURCE = CCSM3 LEVEL = I,J DIMS = 36, 36 IPROJ = 0 PROJECTION = LAT LON REF_X, REF_Y = , REF_LAT, REF_LON = , DLAT, DLON = , EARTH_RADIUS = DATA(1,1)=

Experiment design FIELD = TT UNITS = K DESCRIPTION = T DATE = _00:00:00 FCST = SOURCE = CCSM3 LEVEL = I,J DIMS = 36, 36 IPROJ = 0 PROJECTION = LAT LON REF_X, REF_Y = , REF_LAT, REF_LON = , DLAT, DLON = , EARTH_RADIUS = DATA(1,1)= ================================================ FIELD = TT UNITS = K DESCRIPTION = T DATE = _00:00:00 FCST = SOURCE = CCSM3 LEVEL = I,J DIMS = 36, 36 IPROJ = 0 PROJECTION = LAT LON REF_X, REF_Y = , REF_LAT, REF_LON = , DLAT, DLON = , EARTH_RADIUS = DATA(1,1)= For TT field

Experiment design Domain size: + 5N-28N; + 98E-120E Horizontal Resolution: 20km Domain center-point: 17.5N and 107E. - Not use Noah scheme. - A script was written to automatically run the model geogrid.exereal.exe metgrid.exe wrf. exe) (e.g.

RESULTS Precipitation Nov,2012 mm Temperature at 2m 2012, Nov average oC Terrain Height m

RESULTS Temperature at 2M ( ) DJF Average Precipitation ( ) DJF Average mm

Remarks CLWRF are a set of modifications of the Weather Research and Forecasting model code. Ready to run the model for future period when the CCAM global data are available.

Thank you for your attention! WORKSHOP Dec,2012 Melbourne-AU