Mission The Edmonton Community Legal Centre provides effective advocacy and access to justice in a supportive environment to persons living with low income. 2
History The ECLC began as a community project of the Edmonton Social Planning Council, opening its doors to the public on January 8,
Service Model Summary legal advice provided by volunteer lawyers in free clinics, typically held on weekday evenings at the ECLC office in downtown Edmonton, with follow-up by ECLC staff lawyers and client support professionals. 4
Practice Areas Civil and administrative law Of those clients receiving staff follow-up 42% Housing 15% Immigration 12% Employment 11% Contract 5
Practice Areas Social Benefits Advocacy Social benefits appeals Supports to clients with legal files: housing, hoarding, emergency funding Pro bono file administration 6
Practice Areas Immigration Referrals from settlement agencies vetted by manager Staff lawyer on mat leave in 2013 Contract with immigration lawyer for file review 7
Public Legal Education 2013 TopicWorkshopsParticipants Family Law49706 Immigration8248 Civil Law Topics
Funding Alberta Law Foundation Edmonton Law Firms City of Edmonton Casino 9
Volunteers Roster of 152 volunteer lawyers provide: Summary legal advice at clinics Public legal education Pro bono file advice and representation In 2013, there were ten 10-year volunteers and fifteen 5-year volunteers 10
Community Volunteers o 50 volunteers annually, mostly law students, provide legal research and writing assistance to ECLC staff lawyers, and attend court with clients o Practicum and volunteer students from a variety of disciplines (social work, human ecology, legal assistant, business) 11
Staff 14 staff including six that provide direct follow-up to summary legal advice clients Four staff lawyers Social benefits advocate Immigration services manager 12
Board 13 board members o 8 lawyers o 5 community representatives Meets bimonthly Board committees: advocacy, planning, fundraising, family law 13
Clients served in 2013 12,000 legal information and referral 2,000 summary legal advice 1,100 staff follow-up 1,600 public legal education 14
Executive Director Role Administer the ECLC on behalf of the board Funding applications Stakeholder relationships Financial monitoring Program monitoring Strategic planning 15
Executive Director Role 2013 Coordinate and implement office move Eight funding applications Poverty law clinical program 2012 annual report; 2014 budget HR matters 16
Program Manager Role Assist ED with ECLC administration Volunteer management Clinic management Front-line staff management, including Grande Prairie Legal Guidance CRM Super User 17
ECLC Volunteer Appreciation Christmas card signed by all staff AGM/Volunteer Appreciation: 5, 10 year certificates; Distinguished Service Volunteer Appreciation Christmas party Snacks on clinic nights Follow-up that the ECLC has opened a file Legal refresher lunch and learn sessions 18
2013 Highlights New premises Two new staff positions U of A Faculty of Business: clinic data First full articling student called to the Bar CRM hosted by Legal Aid 19