Learning and Teaching at Bath
Modern Languages and European Studies Admissions Tutors: Enrico Cecconi/Steven Wonnacott
Overview Why languages at Bath? Modern Languages and European Studies (MLES) degree content, entry requirements, assessment Graduate prospects, destinations Application tips The Year Abroad with Dr Tara-Monique Etherington (Placements Officer) and final-year students
Why languages at Bath? Reputation – high-quality teaching and research. Contemporary/interdisciplinary – the course covers a variety of subjects in good detail, allowing you to discover new interests. Immersion – content courses taught in target language, more exposure to foreign language (except ab initio languages and European Studies). Year Abroad experience – opportunity to live and work/study in two foreign countries, learning to adapt to new cultures. Also, receive tailored support. Employability – you will develop skills in research, analysis, communication and debate, all transferable skills. Friendly and supportive – a great place to live, study, work. High level of personal and academic support. High student satisfaction.
How does Bath measure up? Top ten for Graduate Prospects in the Complete University Guide 2017 (French, German, Italian, Spanish) Top five for career after six months in Guardian University Guide 2017 (Modern Languages)
The BA in Modern Languages and European Studies combines the study of two foreign languages and the culture/politics of the countries in which the languages are spoken, as well as Europe as a whole. Two languages from French, German, Italian*, Russian*, Spanish (*Offered as ab initio languages). What is Modern Languages and European Studies? More than just fluency in the languages, you will learn to understand the cultures behind them!
Why European Studies at Bath? The Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies is a leading centre for European Studies in the UK and staff expertise ranges over a wide variety of disciplines, placing your language studies in a trans-European framework. Units include: Memory, history and identity Europeanisation and Euroscepticism EU public policy Conflict and security in Europe Political corruption and scandal Migration in Europe Extreme Right parties in Europe “I love the variety of the MLES degree. The contemporary focus means that what we learn is relevant and useful.” Katie Brown (French & Spanish) Year 1: Introduction to European Studies, Europe Since 1945 Year 2: European Integration, Research design and methods. English Language Teaching (extra)
What are the aims of the Modern Languages and European Studies degree? To read, write and speak two European languages with proficiency. To understand the social, political, economic and cultural evolution of contemporary Europe. To develop transferable skills in research, analysis, communication and debate. To experience direct exposure to different cultures.
An overview of the MLES degree structure: 3/4 hours per week, seminar groups <20. 40%. ~3 hours per week, seminars <20 and lectures. 40%. ~2.5 hours per week, seminar/lectures. 20%. In English. Average of hours contact time per week. Transferable skills, personal topic with expert supervision. Options provide more flexibility in years 4.
What are the entry requirements? Typical offer A-levels: ABB (AAB for French & Spanish) 95 places available 590 applications Average cohort sizes: French (70) German (20) Italian (35) Russian (25) Spanish (65)
How is the degree assessed? How much will each year count towards my degree? Year 1Pass & Proceed Year 224% Year 38% (extended essay or examinations at overseas institutions) Year 468% - Examinations (January or May) - Coursework essays - Homework assignments - Oral presentations (group, individual), strong emphasis on presentation skills to promote communication skills -Combination of the above -Dissertation
A mixture of: Lectures (large groups of students with one or more lecturer, used to provide information); Seminars (small groups of students with one teacher, mainly made up of discussions and/or student-led presentations, used to process information); Tutorials (individual sessions with a lecturer to discuss feedback or particular issues); Workshops (type of seminar organised for some students, allowing focus on one particular area). What will classes be like?
What could I study in my final year? French: Genre et politique: la France en perspective comparée; Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - perception(s) et réalité(s) dans la société française; La France postcolonial; La persuasion et la Propagande; La montée du Front National en France; Politique et esthétique: les avant- gardes européennes; Les banlieues de la République; Applied translation studies. Spanish: The Politics of Democracy & Development in Latin America; In the shadow of Franco: repression, denial and memory; The post-Franco party political system in Spain; The international relations of Latin America; Mujeres y hombres en la España contemporánea: del siglo XX hasta nuestros días; Rebellion and utopia in Latin American popular struggles; Applied translation studies. German: Protest und Widerstand; Heimat und Identität; Die Massenmedien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Großbritannien; Film und Geschichte; Applied translation studies. Italian: Scrittrici Italiane del ventesimo secolo; Organised crime & democracy in Italy; Italian politics and society II: the Berlusconi years ( ); Political Terrorism and its legacy in Italy; Applied translation studies. Russian: Literature & society in modern Russia; Gorbachev & Perestroika; Politics in post- communist Russia; Modern Russian Cinema; Applied translation studies.
Is it possible to study another language? MLES students can currently study another language alongside their degree programme at the Foreign Language Centre (FLC). Languages available: Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish. See following link for more details:
Languages beyond the classroom? Radio station (French Touch); Multilingual blog organised by teachers, run by students; Italian cabaret evenings (singing, pizza and lots of fun!); Skype tandems organised by our department – practise your language skills with students in other countries; Self-access Language Centre – a dedicated area in the Library for language learners (resources, computers, newspapers, magazines); International campus, conversation exchanges; Societies run by the student body (French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish societies).
What could I do after my degree? Interpreter, translator Teacher, lecturer Journalist, writer Language analyst at FCO, GCHQ English as a foreign language teacher International aid/development worker Marketing/sales/business executive Further study (MA, PhD) And many more… MLES graduates leave Bath with excellent communication, research, organisation, teamwork and presentation skills, which are sought after by top employers.
Graduate Destinations (2015 census) Employment: Business consultant, PwC Communications Adviser, Home Office German-speaking Control Analyst, Low Cost Holidays Graduate Management Trainee, Lloyds Banking Group Intelligence Officer, Royal Air Force Interpreter, Army Publishing Editor, Taylor & Francis Teacher, Teach First Further study: MSc Human Rights MA International Relations MA Interpreting & Translating PGCE (Oxford, St Mary’s) Careers website: career/what-our-graduates- do/humanities/index.html career/what-our-graduates- do/humanities/index.html
How can I get more information? UCAS Prospectuses/websites Staff/students Friends/family Open days Unistats/league tables Things to think about (in addition to academic excellence): -Class sizes, seminar groups. -Student satisfaction, student surveys. -Facilities (lecture theatres, equipment, accommodation, sports/arts facilities). -Extracurricular clubs, societies.
What about my application? Show evidence of interest in and enthusiasm for the subject – previous experience abroad, extracurricular clubs or outstanding achievement. Demonstrate a general cultural awareness; why is learning a language important? Bring some of your own personality to the statement, tell us about your individual point of view. If you have completed an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), let us know about it. Tailor the statement to the course you are applying for. Proofread your statement! Does it read well? Are there any careless mistakes in spelling or grammar? Make every word count.
Why choose MLES at Bath? Re-cap! Reputation – high-quality teaching/research. Total immersion – content courses in target language (except for Italian/Russian), native speakers. Contemporary/interdisciplinary – course covers several different elements in detail, allowing you to choose options in second/final year. Year Abroad support – tailored help with and advice on your time abroad. Employability – transferable skills valued in world of work. Friendly and supportive – a great place to live, study, work. High level of personal and academic support. Personal tutor, Director of Studies, lecturers. An excellent University in a beautiful city in a safe, campus environment.
Dr Tara-Monique Etherington Placements Officer Modern Languages and European Studies/Language and Politics
What can I do on my year abroad? Work as a language assistant in a school; Study at a foreign university (student exchange);Go on a work placement;Combine some of all of these elements!
How will I benefit from the year abroad? Advanced language skills; Improved confidence and problem- solving skills; Transferable and professional skills; Immersion in the countries of the languages you have been studying; Meet new people/make friends for life; Fun!
Language Assistantship Usually runs from September to May; Organised through British Council (except Russian); Provides paid employment; Involves teaching approximately 12 hours per week.
Current student exchange partners France Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris & Strasbourg Universities of Paris III, Toulouse, Aix- en-Provence, Montpellier and Lyon Italy Universities of Naples, Parma, Rome, Siena and Trento Russia Universities of Voronezh, Moscow and St. Petersburg Germany Free University of Berlin, Universities of Konstanz and Leipzig Spain/Latin America University Carlos III of Madrid, University Complutense of Madrid, Universities of Alicante, Malaga and Zaragoza Guadalajara, México, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile
Examples of recent placement destinations Translator – Encarna (Madrid, Spain) Teaching Assistant – Europa Idiomas (Salamanca, Spain) PR and Marketing Intern - IT Comunicación (Barcelona, Spain) Project Analyst Intern - Verizon (Paris/Marseilles, France) Marketing/HR Intern - Programmes Internationaux d’Echanges (PIE) (Aix- en-Provence/Paris, France) Child Carer - Eveil Bilingue (Paris, France) Intern - Plurilingua Publishing (Brussels, Belgium) Sales Trainee - Optimy (Auderghem, Belgium) Press Intern – Di Palma Associati, (Milan, Italy) Professional Player - Rugby San Dona (San Dona, Italy) Student Marketing Intern - Siemens (Berlin/Nürnberg, Germany) Learning and Operations Intern - Fujitsu (Munich, Germany) Assistant - Music Academy ISATC (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Volunteer Coordinator – Otra Cosa Network (Huanchaco, Peru) Coordinator of International Cooperation – TECHO (Santiago, Chile)
Year Abroad Fees £1,350 for the year (£1,800 if you work/study outside EU); Eligible for student loan (work placement/ assistantships receive 50%); Eligible to apply for an Erasmus grant for study/placements in Europe.
What support will I receive on my year abroad? Regular contact with academic staff and Placements Officer; Visits, Skype/Telephone calls, s, reflection reports, appraisals; Opportunity to write blogs for the faculty webpage – annual competition with prizes for best blogs.
For more information… …about this degree, entry requirements and admission, please visit our website: or contact For further information on the degree courses offered, please contact: The Undergraduate Administrator Tel: +44 (0) Enrico Cecconi, Admissions Tutor MLES Dr Tara-Monique Etherington, Placements Officer (Modern Languages and European Studies/ Languages and Politics) Facebook: Twitter:
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