Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, June 1,
Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.
Memory Verse John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:11 Having the Joy of Jesus Christ, Part 1
Verses 7-11 tell us:
Verses 7-11 tell us: 1) Having the Word in your soul, O/C, vs. 7,
Verses 7-11 tell us: 1) Having the Word in your soul, O/C, vs. 7, 2) You will have AGAPE love of God in your soul, vs. 9-10,
Verses 7-11 tell us: 1) Having the Word in your soul, O/C, vs. 7, 2) You will have AGAPE love of God in your soul, vs. 9-10, 3) Plus the Joy, +H, of Jesus Christ inside your soul.
LELALEKA - Perfect, Active, Indicative, of LALEO, “to talk or say”.
The Perfect Tense is for completed past action. Jesus has taught them numerous doctrines. “I have spoken.” (taught verbally)
CHARA - “joy, gladness, happiness”. Having Bible Doctrine in the soul has the benefit of Sharing the Happiness of God (+H), now and into the future.
EIMI - Present, Active, Subjunctive, “to be, is, are, etc.” “Might keep on being.”
The Customary Present - the believer who has Bible Doctrine resident within their soul keeps on having the Happiness of God in their soul too.
PLEROO Aorist, Passive, Subjunctive, “to make full, fill up, or to complete.”
The Ingressive Aorist stress the entrance into a state of being filled with the Happiness of God.
The believer with BD resident within their souls receives +H and can go further by being filled up with +H. They are made full with the Happiness of God.
John 15:11, “These doctrines I have spoken (taught verbally) to you all, in order that My joy (+H) might keep on being in the sphere of you all, and your joy (+H) might be made full.”
This verse tells us there are two stages of Joy that the believe can have from Bible Doctrine.
1) Basic joy or +H, which is the purpose of learning and having Bible Doctrine in your soul. When you have doctrine cycling through your soul you have the happiness of God.
2) Full joy which is saturation with the joy of God, the purpose of consistently applying Bible Doctrine in spiritual maturity.
John 17:13, “But now I come to You (Father); and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves.”
Doctrine of Joy Phil 2:1-2
1. There is encouragement from being in union with Christ.
2. There is comfort from virtue love because you have entered the door of hope on God’s agenda into the unique spiritual life. 1 Cor 13:13
3. There is fellowship with the Holy Spirit per John 14:26 and 2 Cor 13:14.
4. Being merciful and compassionate is a part of joy or happiness.
5. Bringing your joy to completion is thinking on the other side of the door of hope; the integrity envelope of personal love for God the Father and impersonal love for all mankind.
6. Your one objective is maximum glorification of God.
Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Tape # Having the Joy of Jesus Christ, Part 1 Upper Room Discourse, Part 376 John 15:11; 14:26; Phil 2:1-2 Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Tape # Having the Joy of Jesus Christ, Part 1 Upper Room Discourse, Part 376 John 15:11; 14:26; Phil 2:1-2 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010