A Match!
Small Large Genetic distances
DNA GPS is online Searching for DNA origin… Latitude = Longitude = 2.46 Geographic Population Structure (GPS)
100% (Continent) 83% (Country) 66% (Regional) Sardinian villagers dataset 15 km 100 km Genographic’s global dataset
Geographical coordinates, nearest reference populations Genetic data
Afshinnekoo et al Geospatial resolution of human and bacterial diversity with city-scale metagenomics. Cell Systems
All data included (r 2 =0.5) High quality data included (r 2 =0.7) 12 admixture compressed to 4 4 racial groups
We developed a pipeline to infer geographical origins and ancestry very accurately from microbiome data. Our tools can handle a large amount of data. We can carry out geographic and spatial analyses regarding human biodiversity in relation to the microbiome.