2 The environment Eastern part of Emilia-Romagna Region - 3 major highways - 3 airports in 80 km. - Port sede di Faenzasede di Cesena
Meat Industry Control of the entire cycle: Seeds, feed, growing, slaughtering, processing, logistics, composting, recycling Sugar Industry : agronomy, production, refinery, engineering Fruit and vegetables : Production, conditioning distribution, trading, processing (frozen, fruits, marmalades, canning), micropropagation Automation and Robotics applied to food technology The agrofood sector
development 1,000 SME 5,000 millions Euro turnover employees From 1950 to today : spontaneous development of the industrial district The agrofood sector
Knowledge intensive businesses in food technology : Robotics Food processing and packaging machines Information & Communication Technology Biotechnology Refrigeration and cold storage technology Logistics & Transportation The agrofood sector
6 INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURES - University Agriculture, Food Science, Engineering, Information Science, Economics, Languages, Architecture, Psychology - Analysis and R&D Laboratories - Research centres - Training centres - Specialised international exhibitions - Available industrial facilities The environment
7 The challenge The territory quality determines the enterprise quality. Today the competition between enterprises is linked to the competition between territories. In the territory innovations are spread thanks to available services and contacts between actors. It is possible to foster this development. The economic success of a territory depends on the ability to control and foster innovation. This cannot be done by a SME, but by the common effort of all actors of the territory: economic, institutional and cultural actors.
8 CENTURIA-RIT IS AN INNOVATION CENTRE SPECIALISED IN THE AGROFOOD SECTOR, AIMED AT ENHANCING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE TERRITORY AND OF LOCAL ENTERPRISES THROUGH INNOVATION It is at the same time: A crossway between institutions, enterprises and research to foster information exchange, technology transfer, contacts. A system of relationships, fed with added value services, to provide better access to knowledge, innovation, markets and capitals. The mission of Centuria-RIT
9 All the innovation infrastructures are present in the territory: No need for new incubators, laboratories, greenfield investments, etc. The need is to increase the relationship between the actors of the territory to increase innovation. Hence the “SOFT” solution: Public private investment Majority of private capital No direct “hard” investment: “Soft” activities only: networking, information, innovation brokerage, R&D project, etc. The “soft” solution
10 Companies Leading companies Associations of entrepreneurs Banks 65% shares The stakeholders Research & training Local faculties of the University of Bologna CNR, ENEA Research centres Laboratories 0% shares Local government Municipalities, Provinces, Chambers of commerce Local health and environment authorities 35% shares
11 Information flow to the territory Selected information on patents and technology Commercial and joint- venture opportunities Selections of the competencies useful for the territory Relationship inside the territory Between companies, laboratories, R&D centres, university, public administration, financial institutions Meetings, seminars, company open days Management of shared projects: start-ups, R&D, various collaborations Information flow from the territory Area marketing Relationship with investors Common marketing operations 1st activity: relationships network
12 Enhance cluster visibility towards new investors, contract engineering companies, other areas Development of a system of relationships SME Information: patents new technologies trade lead partnerships in R&D projects tech. transfer JV, etc. Institutions Banks Ass.n of entrepreneurs Universities R&D centres Big industrial groups 1st activity: relationships network
13 Networking tools IASP - International Association of Science Parks Innovation Relay Centre North-East Italy Eurolink Partners Associazione Parchi Scientifici e Tecnologici Italiani Associazione Italiana Banche di Affari (merchant banks for venture capital) Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
14 1. Economic intelligence Patents, labels, royalties, licence contracts on behalf of associates 2. Project planning Funding opportunities monitoring Relationship with venture capitalists Partner search Project definition and presentation Project management 2nd activity: Specialised services
15 3. Training Need analysis, project planning, organisation. 4. International marketing Territory promotion and negotiation with foreign investors. Promotion of the competences of associated companies in exhibitions, seminars, etc. 2nd activity: Specialised services
16 SME Institutions Banks Ass.n of entrepreneurs Universities R&D centres S.T.P. project management data mining market analyses technology transfer business connections new business start up venture capital connections head hunting training JV development KH acquisition/sales companies acquisition/sales Big industrial groups 2nd activity: Specialised services