1 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome ERIK ACTION – Upgrading the Innovation Capacity of Existing Firms Capitalisation Project: Good Practices and Regional Action Plans Nadia Crivelli Tuscany Region
2 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Background: Project Origins Background: Project Origin Born from the previous projetcs 51 regions 4 TWGs 3 international conferences 8 workshops 11 study visits 1 web site with visitors / year Publications and newsletter Database with 60 GPs Methodology to analyse and compare innovation policies Erik / Erik+ Network
3 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Toscana (IT) Emilia Romagna (IT) South East Romania (RO) Niederösterreich (AT) Banska Bystrica (SK) Alentejo (PT) Småland med Öarna (SE) Bretagne (FR) Western Macedonia (EL) Flanders (BE) Andalusia (ES) Consortium Background: Project Origin
4 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Goal: to improve: -regional development policies in innovation -knowledge economy -the innovation capacity of existing enterprises The project promotes the transfer of experimented good practices from one region to another one Focus on transfer process methodology Project Themes
5 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Project Themes Selection of Good Practices (GPs) Inter-regional exchange within ERIK NETWORK and ERIK DATABASE Decision on regional GPs to offer for transfer Transfer Matching Session to select GPs for transfer Training sessions on key factors for firms’ innovation Stakeholder Involvement Plan Development of transfer actions Transfer workshops for selected GPs Study visits Help desks Staff exchange Individual REGIONAL ACTION PLANS by EVERY PARTNER Description of intended inter-regional transfer incl. resources Approved & signed by the managing authority Mainstreaming Guide
6 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Tuscany Region Lower Austria TIP (Technology and Innovation Partner) COACHING ROP CREO TOSCANA ERDF with Innovative Poles - Call for Proposals - December 2010Poles Upgrading the Tuscany Technology Transfer System: 2010: 12 Innovation Poles (action1.2 Por Creo Fesr ) that supported to SMES to purchase qualified consultantcy services (action 1.3 b ROP Creo Fesr ) 2011: 5 Technology Districts Innovation Poles and Technology Districts in accordance win the Regional Strategy of Smart Specialization RIS 3 development Dedicated UNIT within the regional institute IRPET to stimulate the participation of SMEs to HORIZON 2020 calls (a qualified service for SMEs innovation process) Transfer of good practices, some examples
7 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome New interreg IV C project COGITACOGITA Promotes social and environmental responsibility within SMEs across Europe The partnership consists of some Erik action partners (LOWER Austria, Flanders, Bretagne) Tuscany Region Lower Austria Flanders Bretagne Transfer of good practices, some examples
8 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome A Business Support Centre in Braila – having the model of SIDEUM/Sweden GP MEDGreen Pole of Competitiveness includes 3 regions– a big innovative cluster (SE RDA is the management entity) also after SIDEUM/Sweden GP imported and adapted A Technology Information Centre in Constanta – having the model of Technology Events of Andalucia/Spain, Transfer of good practices, some examples Småland Öarna SOUTH EAST ROMANIA Andalusia
9 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome higher emphasis on sustainability in the next Flemish ERDF OP and integration of innovation course into the extension of the project LED follow Up: participation in Interreg IVC Cogita project -> improved Public procurement procedures by including aspects of CSR Tuscany Region Flanders Transfer of good practices, some examples
10 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Since ERIK ACTION sustainable public procurement and a stronger interlinking of CSR with innovation are very important topics for Lower Austria’s policy. follow Up Erik Action Fabrica Ethica GP: Measure: Sustainability Reporting project “Nachhaltigkeitsberichtserstattung „Erfolg mit FAIRantwortung“ (sustainability reporting) (2010) Measure: Lower Austria Trigos award for sustainability (2011) Interreg IVC Cogita project -> improved Public procurement procedures by including aspects of CSR Tuscany Region Lower Austria Transfer of good practices, some examples
11 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Successful Point Erik Action, the first Capitalisation Project of INTERREG IV C approved by the EU in 2008, tried to “ turning interest into concrete action” by trasfering Good Practices thanks to a concrete methodology - -learning by doing- Successful Point The aim of Erik Action was to achieve a Regional Action Plan for every partner (N. 12). All RAPS were signed by the respective Managing Authority of Structural Funds Programmes Critical Point Erik Action was approved when the mainstreaming Programmes ( ERDF ROPs, Regional Programme) were already in progress Critical Points To involve actively Stakeholders and Managing Authorities to import Good Practises in Running Operational Programmes to evaluate the impact of a 1/2 Good Practices - such in this case - on the regional policies
12 INTERREG IVC/ INTERREG EUROPE event – April 2015, Rome Nadia Crivelli Regione Toscana Settore Politiche Regionali Attrazione Investimenti Grazie per l’attenzione Contacts