How do dreams form? By Abdallah, Sofia C., Karla, Elena and Eli
Introduction Welcome everyone, today we will answer our inquiry group question which is: How do dreams form? And the learning starts ….NOW!!!
Dreams help recover forgotten things By Abdallah Dreaming combine learning by recover what you think you forgot while you are awake. This research suggests that dreaming plays an important role in our life skills. This process also helps with education. For example if you learn how to play tennis and you forget the rules, at night you recover those forgotten skills.
How does the brain affect your dreams By Sofia C. The part of the brain called the cortex makes the content of your dreams. The part of the brain called the limbic system creates the emotions. There are other ways that the brain affects your dreams but science tests haven’t discovered these ways yet. This is how the brain affects your dreams.
Symbols of Dreams By Karla Did you know that you dream for a reason? One reason is that in each of your dreams you have symbols about your day and emotions. For example there was this woman that dreamt of a party at a hotel, when she lost her purse, and there was a flood. So the party represents fun. The hotel represents moving. The purse she lost represents that she lost her fortune and finally, the flood represents her emotions.
REM By Eli REM (rapid eye movement) only happens when you are sleeping. When you are in a power sleep REM starts. And when you are in just a light sleep REM does not start. When you are in the day sleeping REM only happens a little bit, it will only go once a minute. But when you are sleeping at night to morning REM will not stop, it will only stop if you wake up from the power sleep.
Cool Facts By Elena Rats have dreams about what they will eat in the future Blind people have 4 times as many nightmares than sighted people By age 60 you will sleep 175,200 hours dreaming 87,000 hours with 197,100 dreams There are 7 stages of dream processing including Rapid Eye Movement (REM) About every 90 minutes your brain switches from the rapid eye movement stage to the non Rapid Eye Movement Stage
Answer By Abdallah, Sofia C., Karla, Elena and Eli The answer to our inquiry question is dreams form when you are in the R.E.M sleep stage and when the cortex creates the content of your dream and also when the limbic system makes the emotion in the dream. You must have information from your day to have symbols in your dreams.
We hope you were not day dreaming during this presentation Thank you!