Asymmetric Reflector with Free-form Curvature for Uniform Projecting Illumination Hao-Wen Chuang 1 ( 莊浩彣 ), Chien-Hsiang Hung 2 ( 洪健翔 ), Chung-Hao Tien 1 ( 田仲豪 ), Yi-Pai Huang 1 ( 黃乙白 ) Display Institute 1, Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering 2, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 顯示科技研究所、光電工程研究所 國立交通大學 Dec. 6 th, 2008 OPT TICC, Taipei, Taiwan Optics & Photonics Taiwan 2008 Session: Sat-S42-05
2 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Outline Introduction Objective of optical design Design method of free-form reflectors Concept Mathematical form Simulation results Conclusions
3 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Introduction to Reflective Display Billboard (Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Display) Reflective – Day: sunlight Night: front lighting Issues – nonuniform brightness, specular reflection, glare effect poor contrast
4 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Objective of Luminaire Design Objective – Uniform projecting illumination uniformity brightness
5 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Reflectors Design of Luminaire Andreas Timinger et al. “Designing Tailored Free-Form Surfaces for General Illumination” Proc. of SPIE Vol (2003) Common reflectorFree-form reflector ShapeConic: paraboloid, ellipsoidal, spherical…etc. no rotational symmetry Design parameters simple analytical equations (a few parameters are used) more degrees of freedom Conic reflector vs. Free-form reflector
6 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Optical Design Two-dimensional analysis illuminance on the target plane: uniform illuminance, Target intensity distribution: The profile of the reflector’s shape is calculated analytically.
7 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Outline Introduction Objective of optical design Design method of free-form reflectors Concept Mathematical form Simulation results Conclusions
8 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Design of Reflectors: Concept different radius of curvature varying ray diverging ability flux conservation diverging angle dθ’ Luminance can be adjusted by means of the diverging angle corresponding to the arbitrary curvature of the reflector. ΔΦ
9 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Design of Reflectors: Mathematical Form curve of the reflector tangent vector unit vector of the reflected ray Weighting function ( is projected on the integrating sphere centered at the origin) R relationship between dθ and the light projected on the integrating sphere
10 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Design of Reflectors: Mathematical Form Flux conservation I s : luminous intensity from source I’: target intensity purposed diverging distribution function C(θ) Reflector curve function r(θ)
11 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Outline Introduction Objective of optical design Design method of free-form reflectors Concept Mathematical form Simulation results Conclusions
12 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang 100 cm Ray-tracing Simulation Results Profile of the reflector 30 cm Luminaire Target Plane
13 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Simulation Results: Illuminance Illuminance distribution <100 Lux Uniformity deviation: 2-D 1-D (vertical)
14 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Uniformity & Efficiency Enhancement Uniformity (free-form reflector & paraboloid reflector comparison) Efficiency Enhancement CCFL directly illuminating on the plane: Free-form reflector: Illumination uniformity and efficiency is greatly improved with the proposed free-form reflector.
15 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Outline Introduction Objective of optical design Design method of free-form reflectors Concept Mathematical form Simulation results Conclusions
16 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Conclusions We proposed a design method of reflector with free-form curvature for the purpose of uniform illumination. The designed reflector greatly improves the illumination uniformity and efficiency enhancement. Uniformity deviation is within 14%; efficiency enhancement is enhanced by nearly 5 times. Free-form reflectors allow more degrees of freedom for design for various lighting applications.
17 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang 17
18 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Objective of Optical Design Two-dimensional analysis illuminance on the target plane uniform illuminance, Target intensity distribution
19 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Design of Reflectors: Mathematical Form the curve of the reflector tangent vector of the unit vector of the reflected ray Weighting function ( is projected on the integrating sphere centered at the origin) R
20 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Design of Reflectors: Mathematical Form Flux conservation I s : luminous intensity from source I’: target intensity relationship between dθ and the light projected on the integrating sphere purposed diverging distribution function C(θ) Reflector curve function r(θ)
21 ADO & OIS Lab.Hao-Wen Chuang Parabolic reflector