Chapter 26 Organic Review Worksheet
Hydrocarbon Prefixes: IUPAC: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Hydrocarbon prefixes methC ethC-C propC-C-C butC-C-C-C PentC-C-C-C-C hexC-C-C-C-C-C heptC-C-C-C-C-C-C octC-C-C-C-C-C-C-C nonC-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C decC-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C mosquitos eat people’s blood meth= 1 eth = 2 prop= 3 but = 4 Memory device You must know these for the test.
_________ 1. With few exceptions, compounds that contain the element _______ are organic compounds. _________ 2. A carbon atom has ____ electrons in its outermost energy level. _________ 3.A compound made up of only _____ and carbon atoms is called a hydrocarbon. _________ 4.Hydrocarbons that contain at least one double bond are called _____. _________ 5.Hydrocarbons that contain only single-bonded carbon atoms are _____. _________ 6.Compounds that have identical chemical formulas but different structural formulas are called _________. _________ 7.Bonds formed between carbon atoms are (Ionic/Covalent) bonds. _________ 8.In a structural formula, three lines indicate that there is a (single /double / triple) bond between atoms. Chemistry Organic Review Worksheet Identify a word which best completes each of the following sentences. carbon 4 hydrogen alkenes Isomers alkanes Covalent triple
_________ 9. Carbon can bond with a maximum of _______ other atoms. _________ 10. An organic substance with only an OH functional group is called a(n) ____. _________ 11.A(n) _____ is a compound formed by mixing an alcohol (hydroxyl group) with an organic acid (carboxyl group). _________ 12.Carbon atoms generally form_____bonds. Chemistry Organic Review Worksheet Identify a word which best completes each of the following sentences. 4 alcohol or “hydroxyl” ester covalent or “4”
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule _________1. Primary alcohol CCO HH H HH HC H O-H H Primary alcohol C O-H H Secondary alcohol C O-H Tertiary alcohol R
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule _________2. ether CCO HH H HH H RR O O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule _________3. ketone CCC HH H HH H RR O O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule _________4. Carboxylic acid CC H O H H R O H O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule _________5. ether CCO HH HH C H H HC H H H RR O O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule _________6. aldehyde CC H HH C H H HO R O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule _________7. alcohol CC H OH C H H OOH primary C H H H _________8. ester O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
Name and circle the functional group in each organic molecule CC H OH C H H OHC H H H _________9. ester O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
_________________________ 10. 1,2,3-tribromo-3-fluoro C H H H C H H C Br F C H C H H pentane
_________________11. C C C C C C H H H H H H Benzene
12. Draw the structural formula for: 3-ethyl-4-methyl octane. HH H HHH H H H H H CH H H H CHH H H H H CCCCCCCC CHH H
14. methylbenzene C C C C C C H H H H H H Benzene methyl group CHH H CHH H
15. Draw the structural formula for: 2,3-dichloro-3-methyl-2,4,5-trifluoroheptane. HH H HFF H Cl H H H FH H CCCCCCC CHH H
16. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol)- grain alcohol H H H H H CCO H O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
17. Butanol (butyl alcohol)- varnish H H H H H O H CC CC H H H H O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
18. Ethanoic acid CC H O H H O H Eth “2” carbons 19. Methanoic acid COH O H Meth “1” carbon O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester O-O-C O C O ketone
20. Circle and label all the functional groups. aldehyde O ether O-H alcohol O-HO-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehyde ester C O C O H OHC H H C H H C O OC H H C H H H CO O H ether alcohol secondary carboxylic acid O-O-C O C O ketone
O ether O-HC O carboxylic acid HC O aldehydeester O-C O C O ketone C H O-H H primary alcohol C O-H H secondary alcohol C O-H tertiary alcohol NO 2 nitro primary amine secondary amine tertiary amine N H H N H N N C O H H N C O H N C O primary amide secondary amide tertiary amide