Mary Grace Satoya III-BLIS
The difficulties appear to involve 3 group of people Computer center and systems personnel Suppliers of hardware and software LIBRARIANS
Three types of problems Poor Planning Poor Design Poor Implementation
Personnel related to computer center and systems.- Areas of Difficulty Availability of computer processing Lack of priority given by the computer center to the development of library systems Lack of control by the library over decisions regarding continuation of a project. Computer centers and their personnel (system instability)
Attitudes of computer center personnel may also be a source of trouble. Ignorance of libraries and their operations A relate problem is the fact that most of the good programmers and system analysts are naturally interested in facing new challenges and are apt to become disinterest in library projects once they become “production” systems.
Hardware and software suppliers 3 types of problems The failure of the suppliers to deliver the necessary equipment. A more common problem is the failure of suppliers to deliver the required software, either on time or at all. Inadequate services
Library professionals Failure to distinguish legitimate research and experimentation from operational improvements, or to provide separate funds for research. Lack of reporting to the profession on the problems encountered.
Lack of effective Planning Lack of market research- the failure to establish in advance that the planned product or service is needed or wanted.
Lack of Effective Design System designs may also fail to provide for editing and proofing procedures. Associated with the design stage is poor choice of hardware. Poor designers sometimes reverse the process and a poor system is almost inevitable.
Lack of effective Implementation Failure to provide reassurances on this score can have serious repercussions. A common fault is that those charge with the implementation o Librarians o Systems people o Administrative staff
All systems change, or a least should change, since any library is growing and the requirements imposed on the system consequently differ. If documentation is faulty, changing the system may be a major problem, even in some instances enough to cause its abandonment.