Finished Product
Start Publisher and Newsletter ◦If your Start screen contains a Publisher 2013 tile or shortcut, click on that to start Publisher. ◦If you do not see Publisher 2013, click on Search and type Publisher to search for the program and click on Publisher ◦Notice the templates and categories of templates ◦Click on Built-in / Newsletters ◦I chose Modular and chose one page spread ◦Click on Create and save it to your documents. I named mine FUMC Newsletter
Page Options - Columns ◦Click Page Design / Options button ◦Click the Columns box arrow to display its list ◦If you wanted to change the number of columns on that page, you would select the desired number of columns and select OK. Our template is set the 3 columns, and I like that, so I am not going to change. You can click on other numbers there though and see what it would like with more or less columns. Click the Undo button when finished to leave our newsletter at 3 columns for this first page. Remember that the Undo button is in the top left of the screen in ALL Office applications. Undo button is in all Office applications
Editing Text in Placeholders ◦Click on the Newsletter Title placeholder and type First United Methodist Church Hurst ◦Click on Lead Story Headline placeholder and type Worship ◦Click on Newsletter Date placeholder and type today’s date ◦Click on Secondary Story Headline placeholder and type Membership ◦If you want to be able to read the text on screen better, click on the zoom (the plus sign) in the lower right of the screen or drag that slider over to the right.
Importing Text Files I have provided several files on my website that you can download and then use to practice importing files. Click on each one and save where you can find them in your computer. To import files: ◦Lead Story ◦Click the text in the Lead story placeholder ◦Click Insert / Insert File ◦Navigate to where you saved the Worship Text File and double click the worship file ◦Secondary Story ◦Click the text in the Secondary story placeholder ◦Click Insert / Insert file ◦Navigate to where you saved the Membership Text File and double click the membership file
Increase Font of Story Titles ◦Select the Worship title and increase the font size until it is size 14 ◦Remember that you can increase the font size from either the Home ribbon or the mini toolbar that displays when you select something. You can click to increase the font or simply type in 14 for the size. ◦With the Worship title still selected, click on Bold ◦Select the Membership title and increase the font size until it is size 14 ◦With the Membership title still selected, click on Bold
Titles for Second Page ◦Click on the 2 nd page in the navigation pane. If your 2 nd and 3 rd pages are together, then you just forgot to tell Publisher to show you one page spreads. If that happens, just right-click on it and click on the View Two Spread Page to remove the check mark. ◦Click on the 1 st Inside Story Headline and type Choirs. Change the font to size 14 and bold ◦Click on the 2 nd Inside Story Headline and type Handbells. Change the font to size 14 and bold ◦Delete the placeholders for the 3 rd Inside Story Headline and story placeholders. We will be inserting pictures there instead.
Import Stories for Second Page ◦First Inside Story ◦Click the text in the first inside story placeholder ◦Click Insert / Insert File ◦Navigate to where you saved the Choirs Text File and double click the choirs file ◦Secondary Story ◦Click the text in the Secondary story placeholder ◦Click Insert / Insert file ◦Navigate to where you saved the Handbells Text File and double click the handbells file ◦It is OK if you get a box asking you about file conversion. ◦Delete 3 rd page so we can go directly to the last page. We don’t have enough stories to put on that 3 rd page. Right-click the 3 rd page in the navigation pane and choose Delete. Answer OK to delete objects on that page.
Import Stories for Last Page ◦Top Box on last page ◦Select the text in the top box on the last page. ◦Click Insert / Insert File ◦Navigation to find the How to Join Text File and double click to add it. ◦You may get a 4 th blank page. If so, just delete that last blank page. ◦Bottom Box on last page ◦This is actually a box within a box. So right-click on that bottom back story box and choose Delete Object. It will then allow you to import as usual. ◦Click on the Back Page Story Headline. Type Adult Sunday School. Select the text and change to font size 14 and bold. ◦Click in the story placeholder below that and choose Insert / Insert File. Insert the Adult Sunday School Text File.
Add Pictures and Captions ◦Click on the 1 st page in the navigation pane. ◦Click on the caption text and type FUMC Hurst ◦Click on the image and click on Picture Tools / Format ◦Click on Change Picture on the ribbon. You want to change the picture instead of remove it. Then click on From a File / Browse ◦Find the Worship Picture that you downloaded and insert. ◦You can delete the picture it removed that is now displaying in the right blank portion of the Publisher window.
Modifying the Brief Looks on First Page ◦Special Points of Interest – change to describe: ◦Description of Worship Service ◦Information about membership and how to join ◦Information about music ◦Inside this issue – change to describe what is on pages 2 and 3. Then delete the extra placeholders that you do not need.
Modifying Second Page ◦Click on the 2 nd page in the navigation pane. ◦Click on Insert / Pictures and browse to find the Handbell Picture that you downloaded. Once you have inserted it, move and resize as desired at the bottom of the page. ◦Click on the 1 st image in the left column. Click on Change Picture on the Picture Tools / Format ribbon. Type music in there to search Office Clip art. Choose one that you like and choose Insert. ◦Click on the caption below that image and type Choirs. Click on Center on the Home ribbon. ◦Do the same thing for the image at the bottom except type handbell and choose a clip art that you like there. ◦Click on the caption below that image and type Handbells. Center that also. ◦Type new text in the text box between the two pictures as shown. I also moved my text box up slightly and centered the text.
Modifying Last Page ◦Click on the image and change the picture to the Header Cross Picture you downloaded ◦Change the caption to Worship (press enter) Music (press enter) Sunday School (press enter). Center the text ◦Click on the text for We’re on the Web. Type We’re on the Web (press enter) ◦The business information set that we created with the brochure last week will display in the left side. Make any changes you wish to that address set.