Church In Their Houses What Does The New Testament Teach ?


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Presentation transcript:

Church In Their Houses What Does The New Testament Teach ?

Churches in houses…  Church in Prisca and Aquila’s house (I Cor. 16:19, Rom. 16:5)

Churches in houses…  Church in Prisca and Aquila’s house (I Cor. 16:19, Rom. 16:5)  Salute the church in Nymphas’ house (Col. 4:15)  Church in Philemon’s house (Philm. 2)

Churches in houses…  Church in Prisca and Aquila’s house (I Cor. 16:19, Rom. 16:5)  Salute the church in Nymphas’ house (Col. 4:15)  Church in Philemon’s house (Philm. 2)  The church is not the building – it is people (Acts 20:28, Rev. 5:9-10)

 BIBLICAL???: “All the churches in the New Testament era were small assemblies that met in homes”

 In Jerusalem, 3,000 New Christians met in the Temple area daily (Acts 2:46)

 BIBLICAL???: “All the churches in the New Testament era were small assemblies that met in homes”  In Jerusalem, 3,000 New Christians met in the Temple area daily (Acts 2:46)  In Ephesus, their place of assembling for partaking of the Lord’s Supper was different from their homes. (I Cor. 11:18,34, Acts 2:46)

 Oklahoma City: “passed unleavened communion bread – homemade, gluten free, honey- sweetened”  “ children…loaded their plates with doughnuts and casseroles…later sang and discussed “What is a person worth?” …then they drank the cup of communion and closed in prayer”

 PURPOSE: Do Away With “INSTITUTION AL CHURCH”  ASSEMBLY: treated like an “Audience”  WORSHIP: treated like a “Show”

 PURPOSE: Do Away With “INSTITUTION AL CHURCH”  ASSEMBLY: treated like an “Audience”  WORSHIP: treated like a “Show”  New Testament: Assembly comprised of “participants” (Eph. 5:19)

Parkview church  BENEFITS: more intimate; personal; makes you more accountable; know others’ needs; have lively discussions on controversial topics; more comfortable to invite co-workers to an informal setting; etc.

Parkview church  BENEFITS: more intimate; personal; makes you more accountable; know others’ needs; have lively discussions on controversial topics; more comfortable to invite co-workers to an informal setting; etc.  Christians, do you hear the cry and see the need?

Parkview church  BENEFITS: more intimate; personal; makes you more accountable; know others’ needs; have lively discussions on controversial topics; more comfortable to invite co-workers to an informal setting; etc.  Christians, do you hear the cry and see the need?  Private settings is important for teaching, not just in public gatherings (Acts 20:20)

Parkview church  BENEFITS: more intimate; personal; makes you more accountable; know others’ needs; have lively discussions on controversial topics; more comfortable to invite co-workers to an informal setting; etc.  Christians, do you hear the cry and see the need?  Private settings is important for teaching, not just in public gatherings (Acts 20:20)  Intimate daily connection is a source for spiritual strength (Heb. 3:13)