TITLE OF THE PAPER Author Name 1, Author Name 2, Author Name 3 Speaker: Author Name Institution Name Institution Logo
Outline Motivation Background Methodology Results Discussion Conclusions Future Work Paper: Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper First Author et al. Speaker: Author Name
The 16th IBMAC will be running on a tight schedule and your cooperation in making sure the sessions respect the designated time limit is of paramount importance and extremely appreciated. Each Speaker is allowed a total of 12 minutes. The Session Co-chairs are responsible for managing the time for questions and answers. A countdown clock located in front of the podium, will inform Speakers of the duration of their presentation. Computer and projection equipment will be available in each conference room. For presentations we advise to use PowerPoint or pdf slides, 16:9 layout, as specified in the template. Please name your file as: paper ID_ speaker surname. Notes for Speakers (1) Paper: Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper First Author et al. Speaker: Author Name
Presentation files should be delivered via USB memory device in the Slide Desk Room dedicated to the conference room where your presentation is scheduled. There are one Slide Desk Room at floor -1 to serve the Auditorium and one at floor +1 to serve Rooms A, B and C (see conference venue map). Please deliver your presentation the day before or not later than 9 am for the morning sessions and not later than 2 pm for the afternoon sessions. 15 minutes before the beginning of each session, each Speaker should introduce himself to the Session Co-chairs (preferably with short bio, max 100 words). Notes for Speakers (2) Paper: Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper Title of the paper First Author et al. Speaker: Author Name