Technical Meeting SADEWA 9
Competition Rule Elimination R1 R2 R3 19 Maret 2 April 16 April 23 April Preliminary Top 4 Rank 1 VS Rank 4 Rank 2 VS Rank 3 9 April 21 Mei
Matter 1-40 1-7: very bad 8-15: bad 16-23: average 30-35: good 36-40: very good Method 1-30 1-5: very bad 6-9: bad 10-15: average 16-23: good 24-30: very good Scorin g Time effectivity 1-10 1-4: >2 minutes more or less 5-8: 1-2 minute(s) more or less 9-10: on time Manner 1-20 1-3: very bad 4-6: bad 7-11: average 12-16: good 17-20: very good
Asian Parliamentary Style There are 2 teams: 1.Government- proposes and defends the motion. 2.Opposition- refute and negates the motion. Each team consist of 3 members POI is allowed
Case Building time: 20 minutes 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd Speaker : 7 minutes and 20 seconds Reply Speaker: 4 minutes and 20 seconds POIs are allowed between 1 st and 6 th minute. Only 1 st and 2 nd speakers are allowed to reply speaker Motion will be given a week before the debate held Debate Format
Affirmative Negative Defining the motion of the debate. Contextualize the debate Presenting the affirmative’s stance. Delivering substantial arguments. Providing a brief summary/recap of the speech Presenting the negative’s stance Rebutting the 1 st affirmative speaker. Outlining the negative’s team split. Delivering the substantial argument. Providing a brief summary/recap of the speech. 1 st Speaker’s Role
Affirmative Negative Rebutting the 1 st negative’s major arguments Restating the affirmative’s team case briefly. Delivering his substantial argument. Providing a brief summary. Rebutting the 2 nd affirmative speaker. Restating the negative's team case briefly. Delivering his substantial arguments. Providing a brief summary. 2 nd Speaker’s Role
Affirmative Negative Mapping Rebutting the points raised by the first two negative speakers. Rebuilding the team’s case. Summarizing the issues of the debate Mapping Rebutting the points raised by all three affirmative speakers. Rebuilding team’s case. Summarizing the issue of the debate 3 rd Speaker’s Role
Providing the summary or the overview of the debate. Identifying the issues raised by both sides. Providing a bias adjudication of the debate. Reply Speaker’s Role
SCHEDULE FOR R1 19 Maret (FISIPOL) 1 st Wave Ahmad Fauzy's Team VS Edensor (Room 1) Excelcior VS Random (Room 2) 2 nd Wave Triana's Team VS Sosio Teknika (Room 1) The Kants VS Sandy's Girl (Room 2) 2 April (HUKUM) 1 st Wave Nankatsu VS Ahmad Yusuf's Team (Room 1) Shalahuddin VS Gomu-Gomu Nooo(Room 2)
Motion 19 Maret 1 st Wave THW give less punishment to the poor for economically motivated crime (ex: theft, robbery, and scam) 2 nd Wave THW abolish ranking system in primary and secondary education