EAPN’s work on quality jobs and employment and campaigning EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE EAPN Decent Work Task Force Amana Ferro Policy Officer, EAPN Secretariat
Overview of the Presentation EAPN and the European Employment Strategy EAPN’s products and deliverables on decent work EAPN’s campaigning track record Policy Hooks and Opportunities – EU and national level
EAPN and the European Employment Strategy Quality employment is a route out of poverty for those who can work. Involved in monitoring the EES since its adoption in 1997 (Amsterdam Treaty), and throughout its subsequent incorporation in the Lisbon Strategy and the Europe 2020 Strategy; Employment Working Group of EAPN up to September 2011 – meeting three times a year, one representative / national network See a brief description of the EES here.here See a summary of EAPN’s involvement here.here See EAPN’s main employment concerns here.here
EAPN’s products and deliverables on Employment EAPN Explainer on Quality Work and Employment (upcoming, 2013) Lifeboat or Life Sentence? Report on the Troika and emergency assistance programmes and their impact on poverty and social exclusion, December 2013 (upcoming). EAPN, Working and Poor – Position paper on In-Work Poverty, November 2013.Working and Poor – Position paper on In-Work Poverty EAPN NRP Reports: 2013 – Widening the Gap (Chapter 3); An EU worth defending (Chapter 3); Deliver Inclusive Growth (Chapter 3).Widening the GapAn EU worth defendingDeliver Inclusive Growth EAPN 10 Principles on Quality Work (2011)10 Principles on Quality Work EAPN Video: Pathways to Work (2011).Pathways to Work EAPN Response to the Joint Employment Report: 2011; 2010; 2009 (not done in 2012; upcoming in 2013) EAPN Anti Poverty Mag Quality of Work for Quality of Life (2011).Quality of Work for Quality of Life EAPN Book: Active Inclusion: Making It Happen! (Chapter 4) (2010).Active Inclusion: Making It Happen! EAPN response to A European Agenda for New Skills and Jobs (2010).response to A European Agenda for New Skills and Jobs EAPN position on Skills and Mobility (2009).position on Skills and Mobility
EAPN Campaigns – Minimum Income P-Posters, postcards, campaign guide; -S-Supporting documents – leaflet, Myths and Realities; -W-Website - -A-Appeal signed by personalities and not only; published in the national and European media (all EU languages); -E-European conference - Laying the Foundations of a Fairer Europe – Ensuring adequate minimum income for all P-Proposal for a Framework Directive on Minimum Income – legal study, draft Directive, accompanying documents, garnering political support -M-More details: campaigns/join-the-eapn-campaign-for-adequate-minimum- income-schemes Challenges: -U-Uneven resources in national networks; -D-Different national settings / priorities; -L-Lack of mobilisation after 2010;
EAPN Campaigns – EU Money for Poverty Reduction NOW! -2-25% of the Cohesion Policy budget to the European Social Fund (ESF), and 20% of the European Social Fund to poverty reduction and social inclusion; -S-Supporting the Commission’s position, also backed by the European Parliament; -L-Large Brussels-based NGO coalition; -P-Petition picked up by Avaaz ( signatures); extensive use of social media; -L-Leaflet and campaign materials translated in 8 languages; -M-More details: campaigns/eu-money-for-poverty-reduction-now Challenges: -L-Lack of resources at the national level (including time); -T-Technical topic, not always relevant, hard to get ownership -C-Closely tied to an EU calendar, difficult to always follow.
EAPN Campaigns – Water is a Human Right -E-EAPN was one of the 9 leading organisation, but not the initiatior (which was EPSU). -1,547,859 signatures online and around 315,000 on paper, nearly double the 1 million target -E-EAPN ensured visibility and tried to mobilise its members through the Flash, the AntiPoverty Mag, and social media; -M-More details: communication-%E2%80%9Cwater-human- right%E2%80%9D-will-submit-certificates-16-million- signatories -C-Challenges: -I-Issue did not have the same relevance for all countries;
EAPN Campaigns – European Parliament Elections O-Objective: obtain candidates’ commitment to change and to social Europe, based on human rights. -S-Strong media action and campaigning materials targeting them, promoting alliance working. -E-EAPN national networks: raise awareness at the national level and encourage people to vote and enageg. -C-Campaigning elements: manifesto + pledge + postcard; -C-Communication: dedicated blog; social media; page on EAPN website; printed and audio-visual press; press releases; Flash; special EAPN Mag; visual identity; templates; press releases. Challenges: -E-Europeans don’t want to vote anymore -V-Varied audience: candidates, voters, media, etc.
Policy Hooks and Opportunities – EU and national level -E-Europe 2020: Influencing National Reform Programmes, National Social Reports, Country Specific Recommendations, the European Semester – based on the employment target. -M-Mid-Term Review – of Europe 2020 Guidelines and targets, maybe even Flagship Initiatives. -E-European Parliament elections – incorporating demands into the campaigning, forging better relationships with national / EU politicians; -N-New European Commission, including Commissioner on Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion; -E-European Commission revision of the concept of quality work – ongoing in the Employment Committee. -S-Strengthen alliance-building on the ground, particularly with trade unions and similar organisations.
EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE SQUARE DE MEEUS, 18 – 1050 BRUSSELS TEL: – FAX: Thank you for your attention! For more information: Amana Ferro, Policy Officer or visit