Exhibiting the Art of Entire Classes As One Collaborative Work Brenda Short Seven Pines Elementary School
Exhibiting the Art of Entire Classes As One Collaborative Work Whenever possible and appropriate, I like to display the work of an entire class. There is a dual rationale for this type of exhibit: – Each student’s work is displayed and may be viewed for it’s individual expression and creative response to an art problem, event, idea, the world in which we live, etc. – Each work becomes a vital part of a larger collaborative work, enhancing and supporting a common goal, theme, or idea.
Example: Paper Sculpture and Assemblage Inspired by the Work of Louise Nevelson 5th grade students conducted research on Louise Nevelson and her wooden sculpture and assemblages They were fascinated by her work with wooden shapes, scraps, boxes, and crates. They were especially excited to discover that Nevelson sometimes used parts of one sculpture as she assembled another.
A wide variety of techniques for manipulating paper were discussed, demonstrated, and displayed. Students selected the paper techniques that they wished to explore. 5th grade students constructed 8”x14” boxes from white poster board. Students constructed and formed white paper sculpture that fit within the interior of their box.
Upon completion, the class discussed ways to incorporate each student’s sculpture in a large, single class work. The boxes were arranged and re-arranged until a class consensus was reached concerning their placement. The resulting two-part, collaborative sculpture was exhibited in the school’s office. NOTE: The following slides show several individual sculptures as well as the larger collaborative work.