ABCD 1 importance of the individual Shakespeare Marriage of the Virgin Trade 2 A detailed analysis of the human body, done by cutting into it to examine it. His knowledge of anatomy shows an appreciation of the human form A technique in painting achieving a 3- dimensional look Encouraged people to think in new ways 3 English poet and playwright Humanism Invention led to a rise in literacy and a greater availability of books Sketched early models of helicopters and gliders 4 LeonardoPrinting PressDissection Da Vinci sketches 5 Painting by Raphael using perspective Michelangelo Most famous for his sculpture of David Perspective
ABCD 1 Printing Press importance of the individual Painting by Raphael using perspective 2 His knowledge of anatomy shows an appreciation of the human form A technique in painting achieving a 3-D look Sketched early models of helicopters and gliders Encouraged people to think in new ways 3 Most famous for his sculpture of David Trade A detailed analysis of the human body, done by cutting into it to examine it. Invention led to a rise in literacy and a greater availability of books 4 HumanismMichelangeloDissection Da Vinci sketches 5 Marriage of the Virgin Leonardo English poet and playwright Shakespeare
ABCD 1 English poet and playwright Michelangelo Trade Painting by Raphael using perspective 2 His knowledge of anatomy shows an appreciation of the human form Sketched early models of helicopters and gliders A detailed analysis of the human body, done by cutting into it to examine it. 3 A technique in painting achieving a 3-D look Invention led to a rise in literacy and a greater availability of books Encouraged people to think in new ways 4 ShakespeareLeonardoPrinting Press Da Vinci sketches 5 PerspectiveHumanism importance of the individual Dissection
ABCD 1 PerspectiveDomes Church Painting by Raphael 2 His knowledge of anatomy shows an appreciation of the human form A technique in painting achieving a 3-D look With more knowledge about the physical world, _______ became more accurate. Encouraged people to think in new ways 3 People began to interpret the _______ for themselves once they were written in the vernacular Humanism encouraged people to to think about ________ teachings Books became cheaper to make w/ a rise in the use of the printing press & a drop in the cost of ________. Brunelleschi and Michelangelo are both known for their designs of large _______ atop cathedrals. 4 TradePaperBibleDa Vinci 5 Marriage of the Virgin Maps Referring to cultures of Greece &Rome Classical